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Law Enforcement Programs

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Law Enforcement Programs

Disclaimer: The following programs below are available exclusively to Arkansas law enforcement personnel who are actively employed within a criminal justice organization in the state of Arkansas. These programs are not available to the public.

Law Enforcement Administration

The Law Enforcement Administration program is designed to prepare law enforcement professionals for the unique challenges they will face as supervisors and agency heads. Utilizing proven management principles specific to law enforcement, participants will learn how to better meet the needs of their personnel and constituents. In addition, they will develop needed skills in critical areas of law enforcement management, including communication, case law, agency development, and much more.

Crime Scene Investigation

Rapid advances in the forensic sciences have had a tremendous impact on criminal investigations. Utilizing new technologies and techniques, investigators today have more resources at hand than ever before to successfully process crime scenes. The Crime Scene Investigation program has been designed to provide law enforcement practitioners with these resources. Through hands-on instruction and access to experts in the field, participants will gain the knowledge and skills needed to recognize and appropriately document, collect, preserve, and store evidence from a crime scene, ultimately allowing them to solve more crime in their communities.

For additional information, contact Rebecca Dover at [email protected] or call (501) 812-2790.