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UA-PTC Foundation

Monday, February 17, 2025

UA-PTC Graduate


Giving at UA - Pulaski Tech is easy. Friends like you change lives of students at University of Arkansas - Pulaski Technical College! You fulfill our shared mission to provide access to high-quality education that promotes student learning and enables individuals to develop to their fullest potential.

The best part? You designate how your gift makes a difference. Each year, generous individuals, business leaders and foundation trustees choose to provide assistance to UA-PTC students and programs. When you give a gift, you change the life of a student who needs a little extra help to realize a dream of a college degree.

We are grateful for gifts like yours to ensure superior education for our students. Because of you, our students will become Empowered through Education.

Will you give today and be a Champion for UA - Pulaski Tech?


There are many ways to support students at UA-PTC through gifts to the UA-PTC Foundation:


You can easily give a gift each month to change lives of students at UA-PTC, with your gift directed toward scholarship, student needs, the campus food pantry or an area of your choice. To give monthly, complete the ACH Form and e-mail to [email protected] or choose monthly giving on the online giving form and include your credit card information.


Become a member of The Continuum Circle by designating a planned gift through your will, insurance policy beneficiary or other way and designating your gift to the UA-PTC Foundation. Your legacy will empower students through education for years to come.


Give to a cause benefiting students at UA-PTC. Share your generous giving on your social media or in an e-mail to friends. If you’d like to give a gift by mail, the address is 3000 W. Scenic Dr., North Little Rock, AR 72118. You can give by phone at (501) 812-2211.


UA-PTC Foundation hosts fundraising events to support our students. Through a sponsorship, you can help students and also benefit from marketing opportunities for your company.


A number of individuals, business leaders and foundations fund annual or endowed scholarships for students to help with tuition and support for other expenses such as textbooks, certification tests, uniforms or other needs. With these funds, the UA-PTC Foundation awards nearly 200 scholarships each academic year to students. A list of scholarships established in the Foundation are available on our Scholarship Opportunities page. We want to help more students! If you would like to consider creating an endowed or annual scholarship at UA-PTC, contact the Foundation office at (501) 812-2211 or [email protected].


A gift to the UA-PTC Foundation may be designated to honor any individual of your choice to observe a birthday or special occasion. You may also choose to give a memorial gift for a loved one, friend or individual. The Foundation will send a notice of your gift to the appropriate individuals. To give an Honorarium or Memorial Gift, visit our Donation page, choose a cause and select “Honor” or “Memory” and list the name of the person of which you are honoring or memorializing.


Many employers will match your charitable gifts, doubling the impact of your generosity. Please contact your employer to ask if they will match your gift to UA-PTC Foundation.

For more information on any of the above ways of giving, contact:

Melissa Hendricks
Vice Chancellor of Advancement
UA - Pulaski Technical College
[email protected]
(501) 812-2211

UA-PTC Economic Impact

University of Arkansas - Pulaski Technical College creates a significant positive impact on the business community and generates a return on investment to its major stakeholder groups—students, taxpayers, and society. See data and reports at

UA-PTC Foundation Mission Statement

The mission of the University of Arkansas - Pulaski Technical College Foundation, Inc. is to advance higher education at the college by securing private financial support for the areas and activities of University of Arkansas - Pulaski Technical College.

About the Foundation

The University of Arkansas - Pulaski Technical College Foundation, Inc. is the official fundraising and private gift administrator for the college and its programs. Established as a non-profit organization for educational purposes, the Foundation seeks and accepts tax-deductible gifts and manages these funds and bequests for the benefit of the college.

Gifts to the University of Arkansas - Pulaski Technical College Foundation are tax deductible. When you give to the Foundation, you ensure quality educational services for thousands of students. You are making a difference in a student’s future.

University of Arkansas - Pulaski Technical College Foundation, Inc.
3000 West Scenic Drive
A Building, Room 114
North Little Rock, AR 72118