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UA-PTC LSAMP - 2023 Conference Participation Report

Monday, March 10, 2025

ARK LSAMP Annual Research Conference: Power of the Past-Focus for the Future

April 23-24, 2023, Little Rock, Arkansas

UA-PTC participant team

UA-PTC participant team (L-R): Moluwa Matute-Campus Coordinator and LSAMP students-Jayden Smith, Soprana Spears, Kiara Walker, and Jaylan Wallace.

The Arkansas Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation aka ARK-LSAMP, is a statewide collaborative alliance for eight Arkansas Institutions, with a primary goal of increasing the pool of BS, MS, and PhD degree graduates in STEM disciplines in Arkansas’ Workforce. The ARK-LSAMP Program is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) with additional support from the Arkansas Economic Development Commission.

The participating institutions are: (the 4 years) University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB-Lead Institution), the University of Arkansas Fayetteville (UA), the University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UA Little Rock), Arkansas State University (A-State), Philander Smith College (PSC); (the 2 years) Phillips Community College of the University of Arkansas (PCCUA), Southeast Arkansas College (SEARK), University of Arkansas-Pulaski Technical College (UA-PTC).

There were nine student poster research presentations by students from the Associate, Bachelor, and Master degree levels. The institutions that presented were UA Fayetteville, UA Pine Bluff, UA Little Rock, Philander Smith, and UA-PTC. Of the nine presentations, two were from the UA-PTC and UA-PTC was the only 2-year college that had a research presentation.

The primary focus of the two-year colleges in the ARK LSAMP program is transferring students to 4-year institutions to complete a BS degree each year. UA-PTC has two participating students headed to 4-year institutions in May and in the Fall of 2023.

Jayden Smith

Jayden studied micro soil environments and related their moisture contents and particulate matter sizes. She graduates in May 2023 and will transfer to UA Fayetteville in the Fall to complete a BS degree in Biology.

Jayden Smith - Studied micro soil environments and related their moisture contents and particulate matter sizes. She graduates in May 2023 and will transfer to UA Fayetteville in the Fall to complete a BS degree in Biology.

Jayden Smith - Studied micro soil environments and related their moisture contents and particulate matter sizes. She graduates in May 2023 and will transfer to UA Fayetteville in the Fall to complete a BS degree in Biology.

Soprana Spears

Soprana studied body mass indices (BMI) related to organ system functions: She transfers to UA Little Rock to start an RN Program in May 2023.

Soprana Spears - She studied body mass indices (BMI) related to organ system functions: She transfers to UA Little Rock to start an RN Program in May 2023.

Soprana Spears - She studied body mass indices (BMI) related to organ system functions: She transfers to UA Little Rock to start an RN Program in May 2023.