The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program at the
University of Arkansas - Pulaski Tech, is a Science, Technology, Engineering &
Mathematics (STEM) program, sponsored by the National Science Foundation. The
program is designed to increase the interest, retention, graduation, and success
of students from racial and ethnic groups that are historically underrepresented
in STEM fields.
At the University of Arkansas - Pulaski Tech, the emphasis of the LSAMP
Program is ensuring that after an Associate Degree in STEM, the LSAMP
Student/Participant transfers to a 4-year University/College to complete a
Bachelor’s degree in a STEM field.
Students in the LSAMP program are provided academic support including but not
limited to
- Participation in and Exposure to Transfer programs/processes at 4-year
- Participation in STEM conferences, faculty-mentored research, and travel
funding to present research projects at conferences
- Monthly academic follow-up meetings with the LSAMP campus Coordinator,
and tutoring at the UA-PTC Learning Assistance Center
- Workshops to assist with Resume/CV writing and applying to 4-year
- Joint meetings with other LSAMP students/participants in other LSAMP
Participating Institutions
- An annual stipend of $1,800
- Advising and mentoring to ensure academic success
- Assisting with the transfer process to a 4-year Institution
- Continuation with the LSAMP Program and Stipend, if the participant
transfers to an ARK-LSAMP participating Institution
- Faculty-mentored research and research presentation
- Exposure to STEM Professionals via seminars, workshops, conferences, and
other enrichment activities
The Arkansas-LSAMP (ARK-LSAMP) is a Collaborative Alliance of 8 Arkansas
- Arkansas State University (A-State)
- Philander Smith College (PSC)
- Phillips Community College of the University of Arkansas (PCCUA)
- Southeast Arkansas College (SEARK)
- University of Arkansas, Fayetteville (UAF)
- University of Arkansas, Little Rock (UA Little Rock)
- University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB, Lead Institution)
- University of Arkansas - Pulaski Tech (UA-PTC)
Contact Information
Program Director: M. M. Matute, Ph.D.
University of Arkansas - Pulaski Tech
Science Building, Main Campus
3000 West Scenic Drive
North Little Rock, Arkansas 72118
Telephone: (501) 771-6051
Email: [email protected]
Fax: (501) 812-2704