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UA-PTC LSAMP - 2022-2023 Annual Report

Monday, March 10, 2025

Arkansas Louis Stokes Alliance of Minority Participation Program (LSAMP)
Annual Report 2022-2023

Presented at the Annual Research Conference 2023
Little Rock, April 23-24, 2023

University of Arkansas - Pulaski Tech
Summary Report
M. M. Matute, Ph. D
Principal Investigator/Campus Coordinator

Part 1: High School Visit

Pulaski County Special School District (PCSSD) AVID Scholars visit the UA-PTC Main Campus, North Little Rock: October 2022

UA-PTC LSAMP Students that welcomed and worked with visiting high school students.

UA-PTC LSAMP Students that welcomed and worked with visiting high school students (L-R): Brittenum Praylyn, Kiara Walker, and Jaylan Wallace.

The visit included a tour of the science facilities/laboratories, scientific demonstrations, and hands-on activities for the invitees.

The visit included a tour of the science facilities/laboratories, scientific demonstrations, and hands-on activities for the invitees. Anatomical and Physiological concepts were illustrated. Tours were in groups of 25-40 students.

Part 2: Mini Science Exhibition

Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM) Elementary/Middle School, North Little Rock.

Excited IHM students study/exploit the external anatomy of the tooth.

Excited IHM students study/exploit the external anatomy of the tooth.

The cross-section of the participants at the exhibition: pupils and their teachers and the exhibitors.

The cross-section of the participants at the exhibition: pupils and their teachers and the exhibitors.

UA-PTC LSAMP exhibitors at the fair.

UA-PTC LSAMP exhibitors at the fair (L-R): Brittenum Praylyn, Jaylan Wallace, and Kiara Walker.

Future Biologists dissect a piglet during the demonstrations and hands-on activities.

Future Biologists dissect a piglet during the demonstrations and hands-on activities.

Engaged and captivated audience during the exhibition.

Top and bottom pictures: Engaged and captivated audience during the exhibition.

Engaged and captivated audience during the exhibition.

Part 3: UA Little Rock and UA-PTC LSAMP Collaborative Visit

UA Little Rock presenting.

UA Little Rock presenting-speaker Team/Classroom visit: L-R: Dr. Li, Mr. Harris, Dr. Moore, Mr. Andrews.

Discussed: Science opportunities, easy transfer process, many financial/non-financial assisting programs, and easy application process to transfer to UA Little Rock.

UA Little Rock and UA-PTC student-student mentoring session.

LSAMP: UA Little Rock and UA-PTC student-student mentoring session (includes non-LSAMP participants).

Joint meeting-collaboration efforts.

Joint meeting/collaboration efforts: addressed by Dr. Li (left back number 4-standing).

Dean Johnson of UA-PTC, front right in pink: In the Human Anatomy & Physiology II Lab.

UA Little Rock presenting-speaker team.

UA Little Rock presenting-speaker team/laboratory visitation: Microbiology Laboratory.

Part 4: UA-PTC LSAMP Participants: 2022-2023

1. Praylyn Brittenum: Associate in Liberal Arts and Sciences

2. Kiara Walker: Associate in Liberal Arts and Sciences

3. Jaylan Wallace: Associate in Liberal Arts and Sciences

4. Soprana Spears: Associate in Liberal Arts and Sciences

  • Transferring to the University of Arkansas, Little Rock
  • May 2023
  • Associate in Applied Sciences, RN Program

5. Jayden Smith: Associate in Liberal Arts and Sciences

  • Transferring to the University of Arkansas Fayetteville
  • Fall 2023
  • BS Biology Program

Part 5: Basic Research

Soprana Spears

Soprana Spears
Research Brief: Collected BMI data from college students in an attempt to know if the results hinted at the level of functioning of certain organ systems. Findings presented as a poster during the 2023 Annual Research Conference.

Jayden Smith

Jayden Smith
Research Brief: Collected data from 3 micro soil environments to determine their moisture contents and soil particulate matter proportions to see if any relatedness existed. Findings presented as a poster at the 2023 Annual Research Conference.