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Sex Offender Notification

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

UA-PTC Campus Center

U.S.C., 1092 (f) (1) (1)} is a federal law enacted on October 29, 2000. This law is intended to monitor the enrollment and/or employment status of convicted sex offenders at higher education institutions. The act requires any sex offender who is obligated by law to register in a state to also provide notice to each institution of higher education in that state where the person is employed, carries on a vocation, or is a student. The Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act also requires that higher education institutions issue a statement advising the campus community of the availability of this information. Arkansas Code Annotated 12-12-913 (b) provides that local law enforcement agencies having jurisdiction shall disclose, in accordance with guidelines promulgated by the [Arkansas] Sex Offenders Assessment Committee, relevant and necessary information regarding offenders to the public when the disclosure is relevant and necessary for public protection. Arkansas Code Annotated 12-12-903 defines the authority of the local law enforcement agency having jurisdiction in the municipality where the offender is attending an institution of training or education.

Sex Offender Notification Committee

The UA - Pulaski Technical College Community Sex Offender Notification Committee is an administrative committee consisting of representatives from law enforcement, student services, and public relations. Representatives from other offices may be involved as necessary. The purpose of this committee is to advise the UA - Pulaski Technical College Office of Police and Public Safety in developing general guidelines and practices concerning notification procedures and in determining the extent and method of notification that may be appropriate with regard to specific offenders in compliance with state and federal law and consistent with the educational purpose of the college. The notification plan, as determined by the committee, will be utilized once the registered sex offender’s information is available on the Arkansas Crime Information Center’s website or when there is sufficient information to warrant the enactment of the plan. The registered sex offender will be notified by the UA - Pulaski Technical College Director of Police and Public Safety once the college is prepared to enact the plan.

A written summary of campus guidelines and the notification plan for each offender will be maintained in the Office of Police and Public Safety. Determinations regarding notifications will be made by the UA - Pulaski Technical College Office of Police and Public Safety, in consultation with the committee and other campus officials when necessary. Determinations regarding notifications shall be guided by the offender’s risk assessment level in accordance with guidelines established by the Arkansas Sex Offenders Assessment Committee. Treatment specialists may help guide the determination of notification on a case-by-case basis. Consistent with state guidelines, the notification plan should include who will be notified; who participated in the preparation of the plan, the approval of the dean of student affairs or designee and the date the plan was made. The record should also indicate the dates of notification.

When the risk assessment level is not available or has not yet been determined by the Arkansas Sex Offenders Assessment Committee, the UA - Pulaski Technical College Community Sex Offender Notification Committee shall set forth notification guidelines based on the information that is available.

Failure to Register as a Sex Offender

Students who fail to register as a sex offender, when required to do so by law, with the UA-PTC Office of Police and Public Safety may be subject to immediate arrest and expulsion.

Notification Plan

UA - Pulaski Technical College, pursuant to Act 989 (The Sex and Child Offender Registration Act of 1997), will be conducting a campus notification regarding the listed Registered Sex and Child Offender.

Campus notification applies to all offenders required to register under Act 989. The plan will include the following: offender’s name and risk level, the scope of notification, date of notification, how the notification took place, names of those who prepared the plan and date the plan was made.

Each offender is assigned a risk level assessment for his/her potential to re-offend. This assessment is determined using a procedure by which an offender’s history and characteristics are reviewed in order to assign the offender to one of three levels of risk of re-offense, which help determine the plan of action for the offender’s community notification.

LEVEL 1 LOW RISK - Individuals with no prior history of sexually acting out, strong antisocial tendencies, sexual compulsions or psychological factors impairing judgment.

LEVEL 2 MODERATE RISK - Individuals with limited or circumscribed prior history of sexually acting out, who possess some antisocial personality characteristics, predatory tendencies, or deviant sexual interest or behavioral patterns. Individuals may have mild or well-controlled mental disorders and/or developmental disabilities.

LEVEL 3 HIGH RISK - Individuals with histories of repeat sexual offending and/or strong antisocial, violent or predatory personality characteristics. Sexual compulsions are likely to be present but may be kept under control when relapse prevention plans are followed and treatment is continued. The offense patterns of these individuals reflect a relatively high probability of re-offense and/or a risk of substantial injury to victims should re-offense occur.

LEVEL 4 SEXUALLY VIOLENT PREDATOR - Individuals with impaired judgment or control who have sexual or violent compulsions that they lack the ability to control. This may be due to pedophilia or other disorders of sexual attraction, mental illness, or personality disorder that distorts thinking, interferes with behavioral control and predisposes the person to acts of predatory sexual violence.

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