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STAR Program

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

STAR (Simulator Training for Awareness and Response) Program


Are you prepared?

We see incidents every day of individuals using violent behavior to target police officers, employers, co-workers, bystanders, or domestic partners. Can you survive a violent incident at your work place, business, church, hospital, home, or elsewhere?  Are you able to protect your employees? If you answered “no” to any of these questions, our training staff can give you the confidence to survive an attack.

Who is STAR Training for?

Training is open for private sector institutions such as hospitals, churches, corporations, day cares, and schools.  All trainees will be eligible for certification with Commission Law Enforcement Training Standards and Arkansas State Police Private Security Requirements.

About STAR Training

The STAR program is designed to prepare you for moments when your life is on the line and split-second decisions matter. Participants will learn how to first de-escalate a situation, then when to use force, how much force is necessary, and the legal ramifications of using force.

Training is focused on the use of the UA-PTC Police Department’s training simulator. The simulator has hundreds of options that portray real-life scenarios that participants may experience such as active shooter, hostage situations, domestic violence, vehicle stops, suspicious persons, workforce violence, and disgruntled employees.

STAR Instructor

Training is facilitated by UA-PTC Police and Public Safety Officers who are Professional Certified Training Instructors who have been certified by the Arkansas Commission on Law Enforcement Standards and Training.  Each Certified Training Instructor has over 30 years of law enforcement experience and are well versed in situations that could escalate into violence.

Other Public Enrollment Options

  • Active Shooter Training Classes (4 Hr. class)
  • Citizen Response to Active Shooter Event (CRASE) Training (4 Hr. class)
  • Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALLERT) (4 Hr. Class)
  • Domestic Violence (Laura’s law) Training (4 hr. Class)
  • “Stop the Bleed” Training (2 Hr. Class)


Mark Stafford
Director of UA-PTC Police and Public Safety
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (501) 812-2248

Jerry Best
Director of UA-PTC Police Training
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (501) 771-6041


In an effort to provide participants the best possible preparation for real-life emergency scenarios, violent imagery and discussion of graphic topics will be used in these courses.