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Frequently Asked Questions

Friday, March 28, 2025

UA-PTC Students

1. What will I need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)?

To complete the FAFSA, you will need:

  • Your Social Security Number
  • Your Alien Registration Number (if you are not a U.S. citizen)
  • Your federal income tax returns, W-2s, and other records of money earned. (Note: You may be able to transfer your federal tax return information into your FAFSA using the IRS Data Retrieval Tool.)
  • Bank statements and records of investments (if applicable)
  • Records of untaxed income (if applicable)
  • An FSA ID to sign electronically.

If you are a dependent student, then you will also need most of the above information for your parent(s).

2. What are the Dos and Don'ts when completing my FAFSA?


  • Create an FSA ID
  • Read each question carefully
  • Complete every question according to the instructions
  • File a FAFSA as early as possible
  • Have your most recent financial records and tax information available
  • Use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool option to import tax information directly
  • Review your Student Aid Report and your Expected Family Contribution (EFC)
  • Indicate your interest in different types of aid
  • Submit a FAFSA each academic year


  • Wait until the last minute to apply
  • Assume funds will be available at the last minute
  • Rush through the application
  • Include incorrect information or omit required information
  • Assume you are not eligible and skip submitting a FAFSA
  • Forget to sign your FAFSA
  • Forget your FSA ID and password

3. What types of financial aid do I apply for when I complete the FAFSA?

Eligibility for the following types of financial aid are determined when you complete the FAFSA:

  • Grants: Financial aid that generally doesn’t have to be repaid.
  • Loans: Borrowed money for college or career school; your loans must be repaid with interest.
  • Work-Study: A federal work program through which undergraduates and graduate students at participating schools earn money to help pay for school.
  • And your FAFSA is used as an application for state aid programs.

4. What is UA - Pulaski Tech’s Title IV Code and what does it do?

UA - Pulaski Tech's Title IV code is 014167. While completing the FAFSA, you will be asked to enter this code which will automatically send an electronic version of your processed Student Aid Report (SAR) to UA-PTC. This information will be used by the UA-PTC Office of Financial Aid to determine your eligibility for federal—and possibly nonfederal—financial aid.

5. When should I apply for financial aid?

You can apply for financial aid at any time after October 1.

Please note:

  • To be awarded federal aid, you must be admitted to a degree seeking program.
  • To receive funds, you must be admitted and enrolled at UA - Pulaski Tech.

6. I probably don't qualify for financial aid. Why should I apply?

Many families mistakenly believe they don't qualify for aid, preventing themselves from receiving aid for which they may be eligible simply because they fail to apply. In addition, there are sources of financial aid, such as Unsubsidized Loan and Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students (PLUS), available regardless of need. The FAFSA form is free. It does not obligate the student or the parent in any way. There is no reason not to apply.

7. I'm independent of my parents. I don't live with them, I file my own taxes and they are not helping me with my college expenses. Can I file for financial aid without using their income information?

The federal aid programs are built on the premise that educating a child is a family responsibility. The FAFSA gives specific criteria for determining when a student may file for federal aid without using parental income information. If there are other extenuating circumstances please feel free to contact a financial aid team member for further assistance.

8. I've submitted my FAFSA over four weeks ago and I haven't heard anything. What should I do?

Students who haven't received a SAR should call the Federal processor at (319) 337-5665 or 1 (800) 433-3243. Students can also check the status of their application by visiting

9. How do I transfer my financial aid to UA-PTC?

Financial aid does not transfer from one school to another school. Each school must determine your eligibility for financial aid. It may be exactly the same at each school or it may differ considerably. We suggest the following process:

  • Contact the financial aid office for the other school to inform them that you are transferring and canceling financial aid.
  • Add UA - Pulaski Tech to your FAFSA at or you can call 1 (800) 433-3243 and request that your SAR be sent to UA - Pulaski Tech.

When these documents are received by the UA-PTC Office of Financial Aid, a financial aid team member will contact you concerning the status of your application.

10. My FAFSA has been selected for verification, what does that mean?

The U.S. Department of Education randomly selects FAFSA’s for a review process called “verification.” This means UA-PTC must compare the information from your FAFSA with financial documents that you must provide to our office. You will be required to submit a copy of your federal tax return transcript and verification worksheet.

If you are a dependent student, you will also be required to submit a copy of your parent’s federal tax return transcript. You may also be asked to submit other documents, such as proof of the amount of un-taxed income you or your parents receive, or verification of the family’s assets. If you have any questions, please contact a financial aid team member.

11. When will I receive my financial aid refund?

This information is available at

12. What are student loans? How do I apply for a student loan?

A student loan is a debt that must be repaid. Borrow responsibly, and live simply. Manage your money carefully, and stay within budget while attending school to minimize your debt. Loan funds are for educational related expenses only.

The UA-PTC Office of Financial Aid will automatically determine the students loan eligibility when setting up the students financial aid award package. Students will have the option to accept, reduce, or cancel their loan award. Monitor your UA-PTC student e-mail account for an award notice and complete your online award letter through the financial aid portal.

For more information about student loans and other loan types available, visit

13. What's the difference between a subsidized and an unsubsidized loan?

  • Subsidized Loan - A low-interest loan made to students attending school at least part-time. Loans are made by the U.S Department of Education. Students who are continuously enrolled at least part-time make no payments on the interest or the principal of this loan.
  • Unsubsidized Loan - Available to students who might not be eligible for a subsidized loan. The term unsubsidized means that payments on the interest should be made while you are enrolled. Like a Subsidized Loan, these loans are made by the U.S. Department of Education. Unlike Subsidized Direct, interest begins accumulating immediately.

14. What are PLUS loans and how can I apply?

Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) is a federal loan that a parent borrows to help their child (dependents only) pay for educational expenses. The parent borrower must have acceptable credit. Students whose parent has been denied a PLUS may be eligible to receive additional Unsubsidized Stafford loan funds. To apply and for more information, visit

15. Can I receive additional funding for an Unsubsidized loan?

Students may request additional funding for an Unsubsidized loan. For instructions visit,

16. What is Entrance Counseling?

The federal government requires all first-time student loan borrowers to participate in Entrance Counseling prior to receiving a Federal Student Loan. During this online session students will review:

  • Basic facts about loans
  • Managing their education expenses
  • Rights and responsibilities as a student loan borrower

17. Who do I contact if I need help with money management related to my student loan?

UA-PTC has teamed up with Arkansas Student Loan Authority (ASLA) to provide you with information about student loans and money management.

18. Can I cancel my loan if I change my mind?

Yes. Students may cancel all or a portion of their loan by informing the UA-PTC Office of Financial Aid in writing.