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Checklist for Incoming Vets

Monday, February 17, 2025

1. Submit an application for admission to UA - Pulaski Tech.

2. Apply for VA Educational Benefits

3. Apply for Financial Aid.

4. Take entrance test. (Veterans also have the option of taking the ACCUPLACER for free with the Veterans Upward Bound program here on campus (501) 812-2810.)

5. Submit Immunization Records.

6. Submit all college/university transcripts.

7. Submit all military transcripts. (Air Force or Army, Coast Guard, Navy and Marines)

8. Check with the Veterans Service office regarding tuition status. (In-State vs Out-of-State tuition status must be determined the first semester.)

9. Set up Advising with Veterans Services office to establish an education plan and register for classes.

10. Pay for classes online through the Campus Portal. (Post 9/11 and VA Rehab do not need to do this step)

11. Complete the VA Verification form in the Campus Portal under the Admissions Tab.

12. Begin Classes!