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F-1 Visiting Students

Friday, March 28, 2025

UA-PTC Main Campus buildingStep 1: Application and Required Documents

You can begin the application process by following the steps below.

1. Submit Required Documents as described below.

2. Complete Student Application

3. Pay Application Fee of $250 USD. This must be a check drawn on a U.S. bank or an International Money Order.

Step 2: Notice of Acceptance

1. We will notify you by e-mail once your application to UA - Pulaski Technical College has been accepted for admission.

Step 3: Complete the final items:

1. Submit a payment in full once registered for classes or set up a payment plan.

2. Purchase textbooks and supplies.

3. Students need to obtain a parking decal if they will be driving their own vehicle to campus. All UA-PTC students can ride the Rock Region Metro for free.

4. Students should familiarize themselves with UA - Pulaski Technical College's Academic Calendar to ensure they begin class on the first day.

F-1 Visiting Students: Required Documents

1. Official Letter from Current College

  • The student must submit an official letter from their current college of university. This letter must indicate that the student is eligible to take classes as a visiting student at UA - Pulaski Technical College and must indicate which classes at UA - Pulaski Technical College the student is to complete. It is imperative the student maintain their F-1 student visa while attending UA - Pulaski Technical College as visiting student. As such, this letter must come from the student’s international student office or DSO who issued their I-20.

2. A copy of the student’s passport, visa, I-94 and current I-20.