The Virtual Finance Club (VFC) is a great way for students to grow their skills and professional network. This student organization aims to promote, educate, and foster an appreciation of financial topics and business. Experts regularly attend meetings and speak on topics such as (but not limited to) budgeting, taxes, loans, home buying, investing, and many more.
Previous VFC recorded meetings and additional resources are available on the VFC LibGuide page.
First VFC Meeting Feb. 27
Mark your calendar for the first Virtual Finance Club meeting of the semester on Thursday, February 27 at 1 p.m. Mrs. Shalonda Tillman, Vice President- Branch Manager of Regions Bank will be the guest presenter. The link to the Zoom meeting is The Meeting ID is 643 709 3086. Additional information will be provided closer to the date.
Helpful Resources
Understanding Your Credit Score
Lisa Chrznowski, Commercial Regional Executive, Simmons Bank
The Basics of 401K
Magnus Kullenberg, Vice President, Relationship Manager, Bank of America
Interested in joining the Virtual Finance Club?
Please send us feedback by completing the form below.
Shared Governance Opportunities for Students