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Co-Curricular Assessment Information

Monday, March 31, 2025

Student Learning Assessment Team

Jessica Wise
Faculty Assessment Chair
Co-Chair of the Academic Assessment Committee

Kate Evans
Co-Curricular Chair
Co-Chair of the Academic Assessment Committee

School Leads

Cynthia Fletcher
School of Math, Sciences, and Allied Health

Mindy Hodges
School of Technical and Professional Studies

Deena Martin
School of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

UA-PTC Co-Curricular Definition:

UA-PTC co-curricular programming encompasses events, activities and service units that run parallel to students' academic experiences on campus. These programs are thoughtfully designed to embody the UA-PTC institutional learning outcomes.

Institutional Learning Outcomes:

1. Analyze information from credible sources. (Information Literacy)

2. Appropriately apply a variety of technology tools within one’s discipline. (Technology Literacy)

3. Communicate effectively with diverse audiences in multiple contexts. (Communication)

4. Apply critical thinking skills to achieve a desired goal. (Critical Thinking)

5. Use quantitative methods to solve problems. (Quantitative Reasoning)

6. Demonstrate awareness of cultural differences. (Cultural Awareness)

7. Demonstrate career readiness skills. (Professionalism)

Co-Curricular Learning Outcomes Assessment:

The Office of Student Life and Leadership is joining the campus-wide effort to systematically collect and effectively use assessment information on student learning outcomes. The process by which co-curricular learning outcomes are measured mirrors the process that academic programs have embraced, while being uniquely tailored to the co-curricular experiences that students engage in at UA-PTC.

The goal of the co-curricular learning outcomes assessment is to continually improve the quality of the student experience and the effectiveness and efficiency by which UA-PTC uses resources to provide co-curricular activities. Assessment efforts answer three simple questions:

  1. Has the student gained knowledge, skill, and improved attitude or health?
  2. How has the experience impacted student performance?
  3. How can co-curricular programs be improved?

Planning and Reporting:

All members of the UA-PTC community (instructional and non-instructional) should include any planned co-curricular activities in their respective annual assessment plans, with appropriately aligned co-curricular learning outcomes. Annual plans can be updated at any time, but not all co-curricular activities will lend themselves to this type of annual assessment.

If there is any chance that a co-curricular activity may not be included in an annual assessment plan, it should be documented by submitting the Co-Curricular Activity Proposal and Reporting Form. It is recommended that the Proposal and Reporting Form be submitted no later than one month prior to the event, but the form will remain available and valid for submission even after the activity has concluded. To request off-campus travel, approval must be made through the Request for Field Trip Form available through the Office of the Provost. If you need to reserve rooms or facilities on a UA-PTC Campus, utilize the Rental/Catering Application on the UA-PTC Website. If the event will occur outside of normal business hours, please contact UA-PTC Police at least two weeks prior to the event/activity. The Co-Curricular Activity Proposal and Report Form does not replace other college approval processes for activities/events, room reservations, student travel, and field trips.

Co-curricular planning and reporting should primarily be assessed and documented through the annual assessment planning and reporting process. The forms mentioned above and in the illustration below are additional tools to document and inform the annual processes.

Annual Assessment Planning and Reporting