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Scholarships Frequently Asked Questions

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

1. Who is eligible to apply for foundation scholarships?

Students must be enrolled and taking classes at UA-PTC at the application deadline.

2. How do I apply?

Complete the online application, upload all the required documents, and submit by the deadline.

3. How do I get started after accessing the online application?

Click on the “UA-PTC Foundation Scholarship Application” button. If this is the first time you’ve gone to the online application, click “Register” to set up your account. Use your UA-PTC e-mail address as your e-mail address when creating an account! Fill in all the blanks and click “Create Account.” If you have already registered, enter your e-mail address and password and click “Sign In.”

4. Can I submit my application in person?

No. The entire application is online. No paper applications will be accepted.

5. What documents do I need to upload with my application?

  • Proof of Grades – As transcripts are not available yet in Workday Student, this document is optional for the Fall 2024 Award Cycle.
  • A copy of your financial aid package for the Spring 2025 semester.
  • A letter of recommendation from a UA-PTC faculty or staff member.

6. What is the essay topic?

Compose an essay of at least 300 words which helps the scholarship committee understand more about you and how the scholarship will help you attain your goals.

Be sure to include information about all of the following:

  • your educational and professional goals—why do you want a degree?
  • your financial need – what will the scholarship help to make possible for you?
  • your special achievements – what challenges have you overcome?
  • your contributions to the school/community—how have you made a difference?

The essay is scored based upon how you cover the topics listed above and how clearly your essay is written.

Consider these tips to make your essay strong:

  1. Make the essay personal. This is your chance to tell your unique story.
  2. Have an organized plan for your essay. Use the questions as a guide for your paragraphs.
  3. Have a strong introduction that helps the reader to quickly understand more about you.
  4. Don’t leave out any of the information requested.
  5. Proofread carefully before you submit. Even small errors may detract from your message. One easy way to catch errors is to slowly read your essay aloud.

7. What file formats are acceptable?

Most file formats are acceptable (PDF, .doc, .docx). Pictures taken of documents with your phone will not be accepted.

8. I can’t upload a document and I'm needing technical assistance using the online application.

For assistance, please call our toll free technical support line at 1 (888) 258-5628 (select option 2). Technical support is available 8 a.m. until 7 p.m. CST Monday through Friday.

9. Can I fill out just one application for all of the scholarships that I am applying for?

Yes! The online application will automatically match you to every scholarship that you are eligible for.

10. What if I forget to include all the required documents?

The online application will not allow you to submit your application until all questions have been answered and all documents attached.

11. If I turn in an application, does that mean I get the scholarship?

No. Once all applications have been reviewed, students who have been selected to move on to the next step will be notified via their UA-PTC student e-mail address. These students will have an in-person interview. Awards will be based on the interview.

12. How will I be notified if I receive an interview?

All communication is through your UA-PTC student e-mail account. E-mails are usually sent about a week after the application deadline.

13. Will receiving a foundation scholarship affect my financial aid?

Scholarships may impact federal aid; however, in the vast majority of cases, students will not be subject to any changes in their federal aid. Students whose aid must be adjusted based on scholarships often find that their aid adjustments benefit them because they have less need for student loan funds. If you have any questions about how scholarships would affect federal financial aid budget, please contact the Office of Financial Aid at (501) 812-2289 or (Use your student e-mail when contacting the Office of Financial Aid).

14. I'm an international student. Am I eligible for a foundation scholarship?

In most cases, yes. You are eligible. You do not need to complete the FAFSA to be eligible for foundation scholarships.

15. What can I use my foundation scholarship for?

Scholarship money can be used for tuition, fees, and in many cases, textbooks purchased at the campus bookstore.

16. I received a foundation scholarship for this semester, do I receive it every semester?

No. Foundation scholarships are one-time awards. In most cases, you can re-apply every semester.

17. I'm transferring to a four-year college next semester, are there any foundation scholarships that I can use at my new school?

No. Foundation scholarships can only be used for classes taken at UA-PTC.

18. I've been notified that I am receiving a scholarship. What do I need to include in the thank-you letter?

Please see the following document: Guidelines for Writing Letter of Appreciation for Donor