UA - Pulaski Tech student establishes new Janice P. Brantley Memorial Scholarship for nursing students
Patty Booker, student in UA-PTC's Practical Nursing program and her parents, Doris and Farris Waters recently established a new scholarship through the UA-PTC Foundation in memory of Patty's aunt Janice P. Brantley.
Janice P. Brantley had a long career as an educator in higher education, she taught English and Literature at UA Pine Bluff, Shorter College, and Arkansas Baptist.
The Janice P. Brantley Memorial Scholarship will award $1,500 to an enrolled student in UA-PTC's Practical Nursing program. Students can apply for the scholarship beginning in fall 2024 and the initial scholarship will be awarded for the spring 2025 semester.
UA – Pulaski Tech offers degree and certificate programs in practical nursing, certified nursing assistance, and medication assistance. Learn more about nursing programs offered at uaptc.edu/nursing.
The UA-PTC Foundation manages numerous private scholarships benefiting almost 200 students each academic year. A complete list of UA-PTC Foundation scholarships are listed on the UA-PTC website Scholarship Opportunities page.
About UA - Pulaski Technical College Foundation
The UA - Pulaski Technical College Foundation is the official fundraising and private gift-receiving agency for the college. Chartered as a non-profit organization for educational purposes, the Foundation invites community members to give tax-deductible gifts that change the lives of students in need.
University of Arkansas – Pulaski Technical College provides access to high-quality education that promotes student learning and enables individuals to develop to their fullest potential.
Pictured, from left: Farris Waters, Patty Booker, UA-PTC Vice Chancellor of Advancement Melissa Hendricks, and Doris Waters
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