Application to UA-PTC'S Practical Nursing program are open
UA - Pulaski Tech's Practical Nursing program began accepting applications Friday, Oct. 15. Students applying must be 18 years old, graduated high school or have passed the GED test. A criminal background check and a drug screening test will be required. Before enrollment into the program, both tests must clear.
Practical nursing students will be selected for enrollment by a point system based on the following criteria: advanced coursework, medical certifications, and an interview process.
UA - Pulaski Tech's Practical Nursing program is accredited by the Arkansas Board of Nursing (ASBN). The Traditional Track is a 12-month certificate program beginning in the Summer and ending in the Spring of each year. Acceptance into the Practical Nursing program is highly competitive. After graduation, students are eligible to apply for the state licensure examination.
For more information about the application process and to apply into the program online visit, www.uaptc.edu/nursing/application-process.
Questions about the Practical Nursing program can be sent to Keely Easter at [email protected] or call (501) 812-2745.
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