UA-PTC closed Feb. 13 due to inclement weather
All locations of UA - Pulaski Tech are closed Saturday, Feb. 13 due to winter weather. Day, evening, and online classes are cancelled.
College administration is monitoring the weather forecast. Further updates will be sent via RAVE alert system, the college website and social media channels, and area TV news stations.
Please see the college inclement weather policy at www.uaptc.edu/inclement-weather-policy
How to stay informed
If the college closes or changes hours of operation because of adverse weather conditions, the college will post the news to the college website, www.uaptc.edu. In addition, the news will be posted to the college Facebook and Twitter accounts. The college also recommends that all students and employees sign up with the RAVE text alert system. When you sign up, all closures or changes in hours of operation will be delivered directly to your cell phone.
For more information about RAVE text alerts and to sign up direct, visit: RAVE text alerts or sign up on the UA-PTC mobile app.
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