UA-PTC's H-Volt program receives $160,000 to expand training
UA - Pulaski Tech's H-VOLT (High Voltage Lineman Training) Academy has received a $160,000 boost to expand training opportunities. Governor Hutchinson recently allocated $14.7 million in federal Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Funds in support of the "Ready for Life" initiative, a portion of which was extended to the program at the UA-PTC Business and Industry Center.
KATV produced a news story on the initiative, which can be seen here:
H-Volt is a certified power line worker training program designed to provide quality education along with real-world, hands-on instruction to those seeking careers as electrical power line workers. Individuals gain the knowledge and skills needed to install, repair, service, and maintain electrical power lines and supporting equipment. The program includes instruction in electrical circuits and theory, safety, aerial framing, transformers, testing equipment, and more. The program also includes instruction in construction, maintenance, and troubleshooting, as well as pole climbing, pole testing, equipment maintenance, and pole top rescue.
For more information about UA-PTC's H-VOLT program, visit www.uaptc.edu/powerline
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