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Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Campus Center

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policy

The possession, use of, distribution of, manufacturing of, or the selling of alcohol or other drugs on College property or at College authorized activities, even if the activity is not conducted on campus, is prohibited at University of Arkansas - Pulaski Technical College. Alcohol usage, regardless of age, is strictly prohibited on campus or at any off-campus, College-authorized activity or travel.

College Sanctions for Violating Alcohol and Drug Policies

Disciplinary sanctions are designed to promote the College’s educational mission. Sanctions may also serve to promote safety or deter students from behavior which harms, harasses or threatens people or property. Violation of UA - Pulaski Tech’s policy regarding illegal drugs and alcohol may result in suspension or expulsion.

Students found in violation of the illegal drug and alcohol policy at UA-PTC may be subject to local, state, or federal laws and may face criminal charges punishable by fines and/or imprisonment.

Applicable Arkansas Laws

1. No person under the age of 21 may legally consume or possess alcohol in Arkansas.

2. It is illegal to be so intoxicated in a public place that you are likely to endanger yourself or others or be unreasonably annoying to others. This is a class C misdemeanor, (with a class A as the most serious), and may result in fines and incarceration.

3. Driving a motor vehicle with .08% or more blood alcohol content is a class A misdemeanor that, in addition to incarceration and heavy fines, will result in a suspension of driving privileges from 120-180 days for the first offense. Driving with a license suspended for DWI may result in incarceration for ten days and a $1,000 fine. Refusing the chemical test for blood alcohol content may result in a 180-day suspension of driving privileges for the first offense. In the event of an accident involving a fatality, a blood alcohol content of .08% or higher may result in a charge of manslaughter, even though the driver did not set out to intentionally harm anyone.

4. A person under the age of 21 operating a motor vehicle with .02% but less than .08% blood alcohol content commits the offense of Underage Driving Under the Influence. The penalties include suspension of driving privileges for up to 120 days for the first offense, fines up to $500, public service work at the discretion of the court, and mandatory attendance at an alcohol and driving education program.

5. Arkansas statutes 5-27-501 through 503 are aimed at preventing persons under 21 from using altered identification to purchase alcohol. Manufacturing, altering, or distributing altered personal identification for this purpose is a Class C Felony punishable by up to ten years in prison. Possessing altered identification is a class B misdemeanor punishable by up to 90 days in jail and revocation of driving privileges for up to 12 months or age 18, whichever is shortest.

6. Possession of more than one ounce of marijuana or possessing it in a form to facilitate distribution is a felony offense. Possession of any usable amount of any other illegal narcotic is a felony. The penalties range from probation to life in prison.

Health Risks of Drug and Alcohol Use

Illicit drugs as well as alcohol and other drugs have various effects on the body and mind. The initial, short-term effects may be positive feelings like alertness, optimism, self-confidence, energy or stress relief. However, the secondary, long-term, negative effects far exceed the initial positive effects.

The use of alcohol impairs reasoning and clouds judgment. Long term drinking can lead to alcoholism and liver and heart disease. A person who begins drinking early in life is more likely to become a heavy drinker during adolescence and to experience alcohol abuse or dependence in adulthood.

Effects of drug and alcohol use on the body:

  • mood swings/impaired judgment
  • depression/mania
  • sleep disturbances and irritability
  • increase in aggressive or combative behavior
  • heart and/or breathing difficulties/death
  • increased susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections
  • liver damage

Signs that indicate a person is becoming dependent on a substance:

  • Increased tolerance. It takes more and more to get the desired effect. This increases the risk of overdose.
  • Changes in relationships with friends and family.
  • Withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, shakiness, headaches, convulsions, or hallucinations.
  • Psychological dependence – thinking that using a substance will help him or her get through the day.

Visit NIDA at for more information on the effect of substances and Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment.

Counseling, Treatment and Referral Programs:

The UA-PTC Counseling and Advising office provides free literature, handouts, individual counseling, one-on-one information sessions, and referrals. Self-help groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous meet in the community.

Referrals to private and public facilities, outpatient and inpatient institutions and individual practitioners are provided by the Counseling and Advising office.

Community Resources for Alcohol and Drug Treatment:

Alcoholics Anonymous Arkansas Central Office
(501) 664-7303

Al-Anon Family Groups of Central Arkansas
(501) 372-5234

Division of Behavioral Health Services, DHS
(501) 868-9164

Family Service Agencies
(501) 372-4242

Professional Counseling Associates
(501) 221-1843

Little Rock Community Mental Health
(501) 686-9300