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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Classroom instruction

Students are expected to attend all class sessions. After an unavoidable absence due to illness, emergency, or other extenuating circumstance, the student must take the responsibility for contacting instructors in order to initiate arrangements for completing all activities missed. Excessive absences and work not made up may adversely affect final grades. Failure to attend class for any period of time does not constitute a withdrawal. Students should attend the first day of classes.

Instructors establish attendance policies for their classes, and students have the responsibility to know those policies and to comply with them. When absences exceed the number allowed by the instructor of the class, the instructor has the authority to assign the student a grade of “F” at the end of the semester.

Attendance for students receiving Veterans Administration benefits will be reported to the VA representative in Veterans Services. Unavoidable absences such as jury duty, military duties, injuries, or illness must have written documentation supplied by the student. Makeup work for classes or tests missed will be arranged with the instructor’s consent. When a student drops a course, the Department of Veterans Affairs will be notified of the last date of attendance and directed to end benefits for the course for the remainder of the term.

Census Drop for Non-Attendance / Non-Participation

Students enrolled in courses must demonstrate active engagement and participation in course activity during the first eleven (11) business days of a 16-week term or the first five (5) business days of a 5-week summer term, or they will be dropped from the course. Individual instructors determine activities that require student engagement and participation. Examples of engagement and participation include but are not limited to: attending class in-person, posting to a discussion board, contributing to collaborative activities, submitting assignments, or taking tests, quizzes, or assessments. For online courses, simply logging into the course is not sufficient by itself to demonstrate active course engagement and/or academic attendance.