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STAR Program Course Descriptions

Sunday, February 09, 2025

STAR ProgramShoot/Don’t Shoot (2 Hours)
With the use of the Firearms Simulator in a controlled environment, participants will be subjected to various scenarios to test their abilities to assess threats, decide the level of force needed, and whether deadly force is necessary. After each scenario, participants will be evaluated and instructors will discuss decisions that were made.

Crime Prevention/Patrol Procedures, Patterns and Techniques (1 Hour)
Participants will discuss a variety of patrol problems within their jurisdictions. This course is designed to help participants develop a safe, effective plan.

Crime Preventions/Patrol Procedures, Response to Crimes in Progress (1 Hour)
This course concentrates on how to make students aware of dangers associated with crimes in progress.

Description of Persons and Vehicles (1 Hour)
This course focuses on the ability to observe,  remember pertinent information, and ask victims and witnesses the right questions.

Search of Persons (1 Hour)
Arkansas Rules of Criminal Procedure, the 4th Amendment, and various court cases provide officers with the information needed to have a clear understanding of search tenets. This course will go over the essentials.

Search of Premises (1 Hour)
Participants will learn the basic tactics that can be effectively applied in most circumstances.

Officer-Violator/Community Relations (2 Hours)
This course explores the importance of officers’ actions and the great impact they can have on community.

Crowd Control (1 Hour)
Our Instructors will discuss how to minimize property damage, personal injury, and death when a clash of ideas turns from passive voices to active aggression.

Defensive Tactics (4 Hours)
Participants will learn methods of self-defense including pressure points, tactical handcuffing, tactical baton, empty hand strikes, kicks, grappling, takedowns, escapes, weapon retention, and O.C. spray deployment and exposure.

Domestic Violence Law-Laura’s Law (2 Hours)
This course will focus on what you need to know to handle domestic violence situations. Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior that involves violence or other abuse by one person against another in a domestic setting, such as in marriage or cohabitation. Domestic violence can also involve violence against children, parents, or the elderly.

Firearms Safety and Care of Weapons (2 Hours)
This course focuses on the safe handling of handguns. Topics will include loading and unloading, holstering and drawing handguns, proper cleaning methods, and the inspection of and proper lubrication of revolvers and/or semi-automatic pistol.

Fundamentals of shooting (Classroom Presentation) (2 Hours)
This course is designed for new shooters with little or no firearms experience. This course is also beneficial for the experienced shooter who wants to maintain or improve their shooting skills. This course focuses on the seven fundamentals of shooting—stance, grip, breath control, sight alignment, sight picture, and trigger squeeze.

Advanced Firearms Training (Live Fire Exercises) (2 Hours)
This course is designed for experienced shooters and involves live-fire exercises. The course includes timed fire, firing under stress, shoot/don’t shoot targets, multiple target engagements, shooting/moving, shooting from standing, kneeling and prone positions, one-handed firing and weapon manipulation, distance shooting, close quarters shooting, and combat vs. tactical reloads.

First Responder, First Aid-Emergency First Aid (3 Hours)
This course provides students with the rudimentary principles of emergency care required to minimize injury and maintain life.

Interviews and Interrogations (2 Hours)
This course will teach participants how to apply successful techniques and sharpen their skills.

Probable Cause and Investigative Detention (4 Hours)
The concepts of probable cause and investigative detention are at the core of this course.

Racial Profiling (1 Hour)
This course examines racial profiling and looks at what defines it by examining recent legislation and discussing prevention.

Report Writing-justification and documentation (4 Hours)
Participants will cover the basic principles of writing good reports. So much depends on the writer’s ability to clearly detail and report facts of an event.

Use of Force (2 Hours)
This course examines current standards and parameters of what is considered to be appropriate and effective force management.

Arkansas Weapon Law (2 Hours)
This course is a closer look at Arkansas weapons law which defines a weapon as a firearm or anything manifestly designed, made, or adapted for the purpose of inflicting death or serious physical injury, or anything that in the manner of its use or intended use is capable of causing death or serious physical injury.

Cultural Diversity (1 Hour)
This course will provide participants with a general overview of culture to help define and recognize prejudice and discrimination.

Conceal Carry Contact (1 Hour)
This course explains the rights of a conceal carry licensee, and the limitations.

Situational Awareness/Threat Assessment (2 Hours)
This course focuses on the basic principles of how to remain mentally engaged while in the performance of his/her duties.

De-Escalation/Crisis Intervention (4 Hours)
More than ever, the art of listening and communicating is just as important as the ability to problem-solve and physically perform. This course will give students a basic understanding of what active listening is and how they can use it to affect a positive behavioral change in negative situations.

Sexual Harassment (2 Hours)
Participants will learn the definition of sexual harassment and an explanation of what constitutes sexual harassment and sexual conduct. Victim cues as well as harasser behavior/conduct will be discussed.