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Assessment Training Plan

Monday, March 10, 2025

Student Learning Assessment Team

Jessica Wise
Faculty Assessment Chair
Co-Chair of the Academic Assessment Committee

Kate Evans
Co-Curricular Chair
Co-Chair of the Academic Assessment Committee

School Leads

Cynthia Fletcher
School of Math, Sciences, and Allied Health

Mindy Hodges
School of Technical and Professional Studies

Deena Martin
School of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Assessment and the Gears of War (Part 1 of 5)

A session for faculty which illustrates the key role they play in the student learning process and how to articulate the assessment process in a way that is meaningful to them and their students. This session helps new faculty to understand our assessment process and helps current faculty articulate our process with others. We will answer:

  • What is assessment?
  • Why do we do assessment?
  • What is our assessment structure at the college?
  • Who do you go to for help in assessment?
  • Who do you go to for help in Nuventive?

Assessment and the Gift that Keeps Giving Over and Over (Part 2 of 5)

A session for faculty which explains the process of assessment and how to structure assessments that are effective for them and their students. This session is geared toward ensuring that faculty get the most out of assessment for them and their students.

  • How do assessments help me in my classroom?
  • How can I change assessments to make them more meaningful?
  • How do we interpret assessment results?
  • What do we do with the information we collect?

Assessment and Less Talk More Action (Part 3 of 5)

A session for faculty which explains closing the loop on action plans and how to make them work at varying levels.

How do action plans inform what we are doing?

What action plans look like at the:

  • Section Level
  • Course Level
  • Program Level
  • Institutional Level

Assessment and Being a Complete Show Off (Part 4 of 5)

A session for faculty which explains how to create an effective capstone assessment which showcases what students are capable of once they exit the course. This session is geared toward ensuring that faculty create assessments which showcase stellar student work.

  • How can one assessment touch on all CLOs or multiple CLOs at one time?
  • How can I showcase, through assessment, what students take away from the course?

Assessment and One Ring to Rule Them All (Part 5 of 5)

A session for faculty which explains the process of reporting assessment results in Nuventive. This training gets into the nitty gritty of Nuventive and should assist you in navigating the system.

  • How do I document my assessment plan in Nuventive?
  • What all needs to be entered in Nuventive?
  • Who can help me if I have a problem entering data?