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Employee Disclosure Requirements

Saturday, March 29, 2025

UA-PTC Main Campus - North Little Rock

Governor’s Executive Order 98-04, Governor’s Policy Directive #8, ACA §21-8-304 and ACA §25-16-1002 require that the following information be disclosed to be considered for employment with the State of Arkansas.

Certain family or business relationships may prohibit UA - Pulaski Technical College from hiring you. As an applicant, you will be required to disclose additional information to determine whether your employment would be prohibited or would require approval. Should you become an employee of the State of Arkansas, you may be reprimanded or terminated for failing to disclose the required information or disclosing incorrect information.

Should you become an employee of the State of Arkansas, you will be required to disclose any benefit obtained from a state contract by a business in which you have a financial interest, pursuant to ACA §19-11-706, and will be subject to civil, criminal, and/or administrative remedies for failure to report such benefits.

Should you become an employee of the State of Arkansas, you will be restricted both during and after state employment from certain activities concerning procurement and selling to the state, pursuant to ACA §19-11-709, and will be subject to civil, criminal, and/or administrative remedies for violation any of these restrictions.

As an employee of the State of Arkansas you are restricted from supervising or being supervised by a *relative. If you are hired and it can be proven that you falsely disclosed information in gaining employment you could be subject to criminal or civil penalties under ACA § 25-16-1004 or § 25-16-1005.

NOTE: All applicants should complete and sign the “EMPLOYEE DISCLOSURE/CERTIFICATION AND EMPLOYMENT OF FAMILY MEMBERS FORM” (F-3/F-4), contained with this employment application prior to being considered for employment.

*Relative is defined as: husband, wife, mother, father, stepmother, stepfather, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister, half-brother, half-sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, daughter, son, stepdaughter, stepson, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, uncle, aunt, first cousin, nephew, or niece