UA-PTC Foundation announces 8 new board members
The UA-PTC Foundation announced Monday, July 15 the appointment of 8 members to the UA-PTC Foundation board of directors. The new board members begin serving three-year terms this month.
The new board members (pictured, left to right) are:
- Braden Taylor, Student Development Specialist at UA - Pulaski Tech, Staff Representative
- Amber Lewis, Program Director of College Studies, UA - Pulaski Tech Faculty Representative
- Catherine DiVito, Marketing and Project Coordinator at Alessi Keyes Construction
- Joyce Taylor, Community Volunteer
- Karen Thomas, Controller, Quality Trucking
- Ed Holman, President, Retirement Services of Arkansas
- Rocky Goodman, Managing Partner, Garland & Greenwood CPAs and Advisors PLLC
- Eric Nash, Owner and Principal Broker, Nash Realty Inc. (not pictured)
The UA-PTC Foundation Board of Directors is comprised of business and community leaders who support the mission of the UA-Pulaski Technical College. Additionally, the ex-officio board membership includes a faculty representative and a staff representative.
About the Foundation
The University of Arkansas - Pulaski Technical College Foundation, Inc. is the official fundraising and private gift administrator for the college and its programs. Established as a non-profit organization for educational purposes, the Foundation seeks and accepts tax-deductible gifts and manages these funds and bequests for the benefit of the college.
For more information about the UA-PTC Foundation or for giving opportunities, visit uaptc.edu/foundation.
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