Business Etiquette Dinner set for April 24 at CAHMI
What is "business casual" dress? What does "formal" really mean? What do I do with all of these forks?
Get the answers to these questions and many more at the UA-PTC Business Department and Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management Institute Business Etiquette Dinner on Wednesday, April 24 at the UA - Pulaski Technical College Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management Institute. Meet and mingle at 5:15 p.m. The dinner and fashion show begin at 6 p.m.
The event is free to UA-PTC students.
The event will give students the opportunity to interact with faculty, staff and student volunteers who will model proper businesslike attire and conduct at a formal event.
For tickets or more information, please contact Lindsay Kullenberg at (501) 812-2290 or [email protected].
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