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Saturday, February 22, 2025
Facebook Community Boost

UA-PTC announces partnership with Facebook

January 02, 2019
Facebook and University of Arkansas-Pulaski Technical College are partnering to create for-credit and non-credit curriculum in digital marketing utilizing the ubiquitous social media platform.

The partnership was announced Tuesday, Dec. 11 at a Facebook Community Boost marketing workshop in Little Rock.

Planning with the College’s Business and Information Technology departments has been underway since fall 2018.  Beginning in early 2019, UA-PTC will offer various training opportunities including college credit, non-credit professional development, and intensive “boot camps.” These will be offered both online and in-person, with the goal of facilitating expertise in digital marketing skills for individuals and businesses.  Facebook and its partners will support the development of curriculum by providing instructional content and learning simulations that allow students to gain digital skills and skill certifications which are in-demand and highly relevant to professional opportunities in digital marketing. This training will include -but not be limited to- a new Digital Marketing Certificate program, which is anticipated to include training on Facebook and Instagram marketing tools.

Chancellor Margaret Ellibee points out how the program aligns with Gov. Asa Hutchinson's emphasis on increasing computer skills in Arkansas.

“Gov. Hutchinson has made a substantial effort to teach our children important skills like coding,” Dr. Ellibee said. “We see alignment with his initiative with this partnership. This will have a large impact on our local communities.”

In an article in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Facebook spokesperson Ana Martinez was quoted, saying “Over 62 percent of small business owners said having digital or social media skills is an important factor in their hiring decisions.”
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