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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

General Education Courses Available Online

Career/Tech Education Courses That Can Be Taught Online

General Education Courses Available Online

American Sign Language - Currently we do not have an Instructor teaching these ASL courses online but plan to In the near future

ASL 1320 - American Sign Language I
This course introduces the student to basic knowledge about American Sign Language (ASL) and knowledge of the deaf community. Emphasis is on the acquisition of a basic working vocabulary and grammar, incorporating both receptive and expressive skills through interactive ASL lessons without voice. (3 credit hours)

ASL 1321 - American Sign Language II
This course is a continuation of ASL I and emphasizes expansion and refinement of the fundamental receptive and expressive skills. Progression is through interactive ASL lessons without voice. Students move from common, concrete communicative events and interactions to language usage expressing abstract ideas. Prerequisite: ASL 1320 with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

ASL 2320 - American Sign Language III
This course is a conversational ASL course focusing on specific grammatical and cultural topics. Emphasis is on the development of fluent conversational skills utilizing grammatical non-manual signals and markers. Students learn how to narrate, describe, compare and comment. Videotaped narratives of native language users are utilized to build students’ comprehensions skills and review language features taught in class. Interactive ASL lessons without voice lead to expanded vocabulary mastery and fluency. Prerequisite: ASL 1321 with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours) (On demand)

ASL 2321 - American Sign Language IV
This is an advanced ASL performance course integrating cultural and linguistic competencies ranging from informal to formal communication events. Emphasis is on greater fluency in idiomatic language usage and mastery of vocabulary and syntax. Linguistic competence is enhanced through interactive discourse with native language users. Prerequisite: ASL 2320 with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours) (On demand)


ANTH 2310 - Cultural Anthropology ACTS # ANTH 2013
This course is a study of the key concepts, methods and theories of cultural diversity, social institutions, linguistics and an examination of people and cultures around the world. Prerequisite: A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, a score of 78 or above on the ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension Placement test a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)


ARTS 2300 - Introduction to Visual Art ACTS # ARTA 1003
This course is an introductory survey of the visual arts. Topics include exploration of purposes and processes in the visual arts including evaluation of selected works, the role of art in various cultures and the history of art. Prerequisite: A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement, or a score of 78 or above on the ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension Placement test, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

ARTS 2330 - Art History: Prehistoric to Renaissance ACTS # ARTA 2003
This course offers an examination of painting, sculpture, architecture, and media from prehistoric to Renaissance periods. Prerequisite: A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 78 or above on the ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension Placement test, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

ARTS 2331 - Art History: Renaissance to the Present ACTS # ARTA 2103
This course offers an examination of painting, sculpture, architecture, and media from the Renaissance to the present time. Prerequisite: A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 78 or above on the ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension Placement test, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

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BIOL 1400 - Biology for Non-Majors ACTS # BIOL 1004
This class is a survey of biology to include an introduction to the fundamental principles of living organisms including properties, organization, function, evolutionary adaptation, and classification. An introductory study of concepts of reproduction, genetics, ecology, and the scientific method are included. Not appropriate for Biology or Health Science majors. See prerequisite details below. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours. (4 credit hours)

Prerequisites: (must meet all of the following requirements)

  • A score of 19 or above on the English section of the ACT, or a score of 83 or above on the ACCUPLACER Sentence Skills test, or a score of 80 or above on the COMPASS Writing Placement test, or completion of ENGL 0111 (Composition Review) with a grade of "C" or better.
  • A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 78 or above on the ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension test, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement test, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of "C" or better.

BIOL 1401 - Biological Science ACTS # BIOL 1014
This is a study of the general principles of biology and their relationship to society. Topics covered include genetics, the diversity and unity of life and molecular cellular biology. Laboratory experiences are integrated with lecture topics. Lab is required. See prerequisites below. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours. (4 credit hours/special course fee)

Prerequisites: (must meet all of the following requirements)

  • A score of 19 or above on the English section of the ACT, or a score of 83 or above on the ACCUPLACER Sentence Skills test, or a score of 80 or above on the COMPASS Writing Placement test, or completion of ENGL 0111 (Composition Review) with a grade of "C" or better.
  • A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 78 or above on the ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension test, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement test, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of "C" or better.
  • A score of 22 or above on the Math section of the ACT, or a score of 97 or above on the ACCUPLACER Elementary Algebra test or a score of 50 or above on the COMPASS Math Placement test, or completion of all required zero (0) level mathematics coursework.

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Criminal Justice

CRJU 2300 - Introduction to Criminal Justice ACTS # CRJU 1023
This course is an overview of the history, philosophy, and development of the criminal justice system, emphasizing an understanding of law enforcement, the courts and corrections, and their respective roles in accomplishing the missions of the American criminal justice system. (3 credit hours)

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ENGL 1311 - English Composition I ACTS # ENGL 1013
This course teaches principles and techniques of expository and persuasive composition, analysis of texts with an introduction to research methods, and critical thinking. Prerequisites: A score of 19 or above on the English section of the ACT, a score of 83 or above on the ACCUPLACER Sentence Skills Placement test, a score of 80 or above on the COMPASS Writing Skills placement test, or ENGL 0111 with a grade of “C” or higher. (3 credit hours)

ENGL 1312 - English Composition II ACTS # ENGL 1023
This course offers further study of principles and techniques of expository and persuasive composition, analysis of texts, research methods, and critical thinking. Prerequisites: ENGL 1311 (or an equivalent course) with a grade of “C” or better, and a score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 78 or above on the ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension Placement test, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

ENGL 2330 - Creative Writing I ACTS # ENGL 2013
This course helps students gain practical experience in the techniques of writing poetry and fiction. Prerequisite: ENGL 1311 with a grade of “C” or better or consent of instructor. (3 credit hours)

ENGL 2333 - English Literature from the Beginning to 1785 ACTS # ENGL 2673
Selected works for British literature from its beginnings through the Restoration are studied in this course. Prerequisites: ENGL 1311 and ENGL 1312 with a grade of “C” or better in ENGL 1312. (3 credit hours)

ENGL 2334 - English Literature from 1785 to the Present ACTS # ENGL 2683
Selected works of British literature from the Restoration to present are studied in this course. Prerequisites: ENGL 1311 and ENGL 1312 with a grade of “C” or better in ENGL 1312. (3 credit hours)

ENGL 2335 - American Literature from the Beginning to 1865 ACTS # ENGL 2653
This course presents selected works of American literature from its beginnings to 1865. Prerequisites: ENGL 1311 and ENGL 1312 with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

ENGL 2336 - American Literature from 1865 to the Present ACTS # ENGL 2663
This course presents selected works of American literature from 1865 to present. Prerequisites: ENGL 1311 and ENGL 1312 with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

ENGL 2337 - World Literature from the Beginning to 1650 ACTS # ENGL 2113
Selected significant works of world literature from ancient, medieval and Renaissance periods are studied in this course. It includes the study of movements, schools and periods. Prerequisites: ENGL 1311 and ENGL 1312 with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

ENGL 2338 - World Literature from 1650 to the Present ACTS # ENGL 2123
Selected significant works of world literature from the Renaissance to the present are studied in this course. It includes the study of movements, schools and periods. Prerequisites: ENGL 1311 and ENGL 1312 with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

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FILM 2300 - Introduction to Film
This course is designed to enhance the understanding and appreciation of cinema as one of the major art forms of the 20th and 21st centuries. Students study various film techniques and terminology, as well as a variety of films. Students learn to observe films more closely and critically and become active participants in the film experience. Prerequisites: A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 78 or above on the ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension Placement test, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

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GEOG 1310 - Physical Geography ACTS # GEOG 2223
This course examines the nature and character of various components of the physical environment, including weather elements, climate, landforms, soil and natural vegetation. (3 credit hours)

GEOG 2310 - Cultural Geography ACTS # GEOG 2113
This course examines various cultures, dynamics of resource utilization and patterns of economic development. (3 credit hours)

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Health Sciences

HLSC 1300 - Concepts of Lifetime Health and Wellness ACTS # HEAL 1003
An overview of basic principles and desirable practices which affect individual and community health. This course is designed to assist students in formulating philosophies, attitudes, and understanding of behaviors necessary to establish healthful living practices. (3 credit hours)

HLSC 2300 - Nutrition
An overview of the basic principles of nutrition, diet planning, digestion, specific nutrients, weight management, fitness and consumer concerns. This course is designed to assist students in the understanding of the science of nutrition and how it relates to their own health. (3 credit hours)

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HIST 1311 - History of Civilization I ACTS # HIST 1113
This course is a study of world civilizations to the early modern period. Prerequisite or corequisite: A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 78 or above on the ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension Placement test, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

HIST 1312 - History of Civilization II ACTS # HIST 1123
This course is a study of world civilizations since the early modern period. Prerequisite or corequisite: A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 78 or above on the ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension Placement test, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

HIST 2311 - U.S. History to 1877 ACTS # HIST 2113
This course is a survey of United States history through the Civil War era. Prerequisite: A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 78 or above on the ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension Placement test, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

HIST 2312 - U.S. History since 1877 ACTS # HIST 2123
This course is a survey of United States history since the Civil War era. Prerequisite: A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 78 or above on the ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension Placement test, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

HIST 2355 - History of Arkansas
This course covers physiographic and demographic patterns; exploration, settlement and political, social and economic evolution of Arkansas from the Spanish and French excursions to the present; and contemporary policies and government in Arkansas. For teacher certification or elective only. Prerequisites: A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement, or a score of 78 or above on the ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension Placement test, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

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HUMN 2330 - Introduction to Gender Studies
This course is an examination of gender and gender issues through interdisciplinary analysis of the arts, philosophy, history, and literature. (3 credit hours)

HUMN 2340 - Introduction to African-American Studies.
This course is an interdisciplinary survey of African-American culture from its beginnings in Africa continuing through contemporary issues in the African-American experience with special focus on leaders and writings of significance. (3 credit hours)

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MATH 1300 - Mathematical Reasoning ACTS # MATH 1113
Comprehensive mathematics course designed for general education core and for degrees not requiring College Algebra. The overarching goal of Mathematical Reasoning is to provide students with mathematical understandings and skills to be productive workers, discerning consumers, and informed citizens. Students will solve problems using mathematical reasoning involving logic, proportions, algebra, and relations. This course is designed to deliver instruction that focuses on process, conceptual understanding, communication and problem-solving found in the following strands: (a) Personal, state, and national finance (b) Statistics and probability (c) Mathematical modeling (d) Quantities and measurement. The course satisfies the state-mandated requirement for the baccalaureate degree and is for students in courses of study not requiring College Algebra as a prerequisite. This course is not appropriate for STEM majors, such as Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. A TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator is required for this course and the course requires an online learning component. Students who fail to meet the prerequisite scores must enroll in MATH 0100 to enroll in MATH 1300 during the same semester. See prerequisite details below. (3 credit hours)

Prerequisites: (must meeting one of the following requirements)

  • A minimum score of 18 on the Mathematics section of the ACT
  • A minimum score of 77 on the ACCUPLACER Elementary Algebra Placement Test
  • A minimum score of 33 on the COMPASS Algebra Placement Test
  • Permission of the department chair or division dean

MATH 1302 - College Algebra ACTS # MATH 1103
This course is a study of functions including, but not limited to, absolute value, quadratic, polynomial, rational, logarithmic and exponential; systems of equations; and matrices. This course satisfies the state-mandated requirement for the baccalaureate degree and is appropriate for STEM majors, such as Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics or for those courses requiring College Algebra as a prerequisite. A TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator is required for this course and the course requires an online learning component. See prerequisite details below. (3 credit hours)

Prerequisites: (must meet one of the following requirements)

  • A minimum score of 22 on the Mathematics section of the ACT
  • A minimum score of 97 on the ACCUPLACER Elementary Algebra Placement Test
  • A minimum score of 50 on the COMPASS Algebra Placement Test
  • MATH 0402 with a grade of “C” or better
  • MATH 0302 with a grade of “C” or better and current enrolled in MATH 0102
  • Permission of the department chair or division dean

MATH 1303 - Trigonometry ACTS # MATH 1203
This course is a study of trigonometric functions, identities, equations and applications. A TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator is required for this course and the course requires an online learning component. This course cannot be taken until all zero (0) level mathematics courses have been successfully completed. See prerequisite details below. (3 credit hours)

Prerequisites: (must meet one of the following requirements)

  • MATH 1302 with a grade of “C” or better or current enrollment in MATH 1302
  • A score of 26 or higher on the Mathematics section of the ACT
  • A score of 70 or higher on the COMPASS Algebra Placement Test
  • A score of 86 or higher on the ACCUPLACER College Math Placement Test
  • Permission of the department chair or division dean

MATH 1308 - Business Calculus
This course includes, but is not limited to, the following concepts when working with various types of functions: 1) derivatives – limits, continuity, slopes, rates of change, definition of derivative, derivatives as rates of change, techniques for finding derivatives and non-differentiable functions; 2) integration – anti-derivatives, indefinite and definite integrals and techniques for finding integrals. Applications include graphing functions using derivatives and optimization. Emphasis is on applied problems in the management sciences and economics. A TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator is required for this course and the course requires an online learning component. See prerequisite details below. (3 credit hours)

Prerequisites: (must meet one of the following requirements)

  • MATH 1300 or MATH 1302 with a grade of “C” or better
  • A score of 26 or higher on the Mathematics section of the ACT
  • A score of 70 or above on the COMPASS Algebra Placement Test
  • A score of 86 or above on the ACCUPLACER College Math Placement Test
  • Permission of the department chair or division dean

MATH 1404 - Calculus I ACTS # MATH 2405
Course topics include functions (including exponential, trigonometric and logarithmic), limits, continuity, differentiation, anti-derivatives, inverse functions and introduction to integration. A TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator is required for this course and the course requires an online learning component. See prerequisite details below. (4 credit hours)

Prerequisites: (must meet one of the following requirements)

  • MATH 1302 and MATH 1303 with a grade of “C” or better
  • A score of 30 or higher on the Mathematics section of the ACT
  • A score of 85 or above on the COMPASS Algebra Placement Test
  • A score of 103 or above on the ACCUPLACER College Math Placement Test
  • Permission of the department chair or division dean

MATH 1405 - Calculus II ACTS # MATH 2505
This course is a continuation of MATH 1404 (Calculus I). It includes integration and applications, integration by parts, sequences and series, parametric equations, polar coordinates and conic sections. A TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator is required for this course and the course requires an online learning component. Prerequisites: MATH 1404 with a grade of “C” or better, placement by exam, or permission of the department chair or division dean. (4 credit hours) (F)

MATH 2301 - Finite Mathematics
This course includes, but is not limited to, the following concepts: applications of linear equations and inequalities, linear programming, matrices, statistics and probability. This is a survey and applications course and is not designed for students who need other mathematical courses. A TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator is required for this course and the course requires an online learning component. See prerequisite details below. (3 credit hours) (Su)

Prerequisites: (must meet one of the following requirements)

  • MATH 1300 or MATH 1302 with a grade of “C” or better
  • A score of 26 or higher on the Mathematics section of the ACT
  • A score of 70 or higher on the COMPASS Algebra Placement Test
  • A score of 86 or higher on the ACCUPLACER College Math Placement Test
  • Permission of the department chair or division dean

MATH 2310 - Discrete Mathematics
This course includes, but is not limited to, the following concepts: mathematical reasoning, set theory, proofs by induction, number systems, relations, directed graphs, trees and related topics of study. Emphasis will be placed on applications of mathematics in computer science and other areas of modern technology. A TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator is required for this course and may require an online learning component. See prerequisite details below. (3 credit hours) (S)

Prerequisites: (must meet one of the following requirements)

  • MATH 1300 or MATH 1302 with a grade of “C” or better
  • A score of 26 or higher on the Mathematics section of the ACT
  • A score of 70 or higher on the COMPASS Algebra Placement Test
  • A score of 86 or higher on the ACCUPLACER College Math Placement Test
  • Permission of the department chair or division dean

MATH 2320 - Introduction to Statistics and Probability ACTS # MATH 2103
This course is an algebra-based course involving the presentation and interpretation of data, probability, sampling, basic inference, correlation, and regression, and analysis of variance. It may include the use of statistical software. A TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator is required for this course and the course requires an online learning component. See prerequisite details below. (3 credit hours)

Prerequisites: (must meet one of the following requirements)

  • MATH 1300 or MATH 1302 with a grade of “C” or better
  • A score of 26 or higher on the mathematics section of the ACT
  • A score of 70 or above on the COMPASS Algebra Placement Test
  • A score of 86 or above on the ACCUPLACER College Math Placement Test
  • Permission of the department chair or division dean

MATH 2406  - Calculus III ACTS # MATH 2603
This course is a continuation of MATH 1405. The study of multidimensional calculus, including multiple integration, partial differentiation, vector functions and other topics are included. A TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator is required for this course and the course requires an online learning component. Prerequisites: MATH 1405 with a grade of “C” or better, placement by exam, or permission of department chair or division dean. 4 lecture hours. (4 credit hours). (S)

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MUSC 2300 - Introduction to Music ACTS # MUSC 1003
This course is an introductory survey of music including the study of elements and forms of music, selected musical works, music terminology, important musical genres, periods and composers and an introduction to major musical instruments. Prerequisites: A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement, or a score of 78 or above on the ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension Placement test, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

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PHIL 1310 - Introduction to Philosophy ACTS # PHIL 1103
This course is an examination of basic philosophical topics including the nature of reality and knowledge, human values and critical thinking. Both historical and contemporary readings are included in the course content. Prerequisites: Prerequisites: A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 78 or above on the ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension Placement test, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

PHIL 1330 - Introduction to Critical Thinking ACTS # PHIL 1003
This course offers a comprehensive study of applied reasoning, including the analysis of arguments, informal and formal fallacies, syllogisms, definitions and scientific reasoning. Prerequisites: A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 78 or above on the ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension Placement test, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

PHIL 2330 - Ethics and Society
This course is a survey of the fundamental issues in the history of philosophical ethics with an emphasis on the relevance of these issues to contemporary moral topics. The course includes discussions of the correct standards of right and wrong, abortion, euthanasia, capital punishment and animal rights. Prerequisites: A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 78 or above on the ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension Placement test, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

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PHOT 1330 - Introduction to Digital Photography
This course is an introduction to the basic skills of using a digital camera and its techniques and procedures. The course also addresses composition and lighting and gives each student hands-on, practical experience. Students learn about a variety of types of photography, including landscape, portrait, and photojournalism. Each student is expected to provide his or her own camera. (3 credit hours)

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Political Science

POLS 1310 - American National Government ACTS # PLSC 2003
This course is an introduction to the principles, structure, processes, and functions of the United States federal government and other related political activities. (3 credit hours) (O)

POLS 2320 - American State and Local Government ACTS # PLSC 2103
This course is an introduction to the organization, structure, functions, and administration of state and local governments. Recommended prerequisite: ENGL 1311. (3 credit hours) (O)

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PSYC 2300 - Psychology and the Human Experience ACTS # PSYC 1103
This course is an overview of major topics in modern psychology, the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. As a first course in the discipline of psychology, it introduces some of the fundamental concepts, principles, and theories with a consideration for the complexity of human behavior. Prerequisites: A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 78 or above on the ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension Placement test, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

PSYC 2320 - Developmental Psychology ACTS # PSYC 2103
This course is a survey course covering the processes and domains of human development from conception through the whole lifespan. Prerequisite: PSYC 2300 with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

PSYC 2330 - Abnormal Psychology
This course is the study of the etiology and treatment of abnormal behavior and the psychological processes involved. This includes a comprehensive analysis of the clinical and developmental aspects in regards to psychological disorders as well as the diagnostic categories, treatment, and prevention. Prerequisite: PSYC 2300 with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

PSYC 2340 - Behavioral Statistics
This course is designed to facilitate the understanding and analysis of data in psychological research as well as in other related fields. This includes, but is not limited to, the study of descriptive statistics and probability distributions, inferential statistics, and data analysis. Prerequisite: MATH 1302 with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

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RELG 2305 - World Religions
This course introduces students to the study of great religions of the world—Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Christianity and others—by examining their history, beliefs, moral teachings, rituals, and practices. It examines the global patterns of contemporary world religions as symbol systems and expressions of discrete, coherent worldviews. The course combines lecture and discussion. (3 credit hours)

RELG 2320 - Old Testament Survey
This course critically studies the major teachings of the collection of books that make up the Jewish Bible/Old Testament. It includes the history, literature, and teachings of the books and selected readings from representative portions of the books of history, the prophets, and other writings. The course combines lecture and discussion. (3 credit hours) (F)

RELG 2330 - New Testament Survey
This course critically studies the major teachings of the books that make up the Christian New Testament. It includes the history, literature, and teachings of the books, an emphasis on the life and teachings of the historical Jesus, and how the development and spread of Christianity were reported in Acts and the letters of Paul. The course combines lecture and discussion. (3 credit hours) (S)

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Social Work

SOWK 1301 - Introduction to Social Work
This course covers the historical background and description of social work in the areas of medicine, psychiatry, public assistance, social insurance, and community service, with emphasis on the function of the social worker, professional standards, and ethics. Prerequisite: SOCI 2300 with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

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SOCI 2300 - Introduction to Sociology ACTS # SOCI 1013
This course is an introduction to the theories, concepts and basic principles used in the study of group life, social institutions and social processes. Prerequisites: A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 78 or above on the ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension Placement test, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

SOCI 2333 - Social Problems ACTS # SOCI 2013
The application of sociological principles to the investigation of major social problems currently faced by societies is the focus of this course. Prerequisite: SOCI 2300 with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

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SPAN 1311 - Elementary Spanish I ACTS # SPAN 1013
This is a beginning course designed to help students develop a basic proficiency in the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. The instruction is communicatively oriented and emphasizes the everyday life and culture of Spanish-speaking people. (3 credit hours)

SPAN 1312 - Elementary Spanish II ACTS # SPAN 1023
This course is a continuation of SPAN 1311. It seeks to further develop a basic proficiency in the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The instruction is communicatively oriented and emphasizes the everyday life and culture of Spanish-speaking people. Prerequisite: SPAN 1311 with a grade of “C” or better, or placement by examination. (3 credit hours)

SPAN 2311 - Intermediate Spanish I ACTS # SPAN 2013
This course is designed to help students develop an intermediate-level proficiency in the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. The instruction is communicatively oriented and emphasizes the everyday life and culture of Spanish-speaking people. Prerequisite: SPAN 1312 with a grade of “C” or better, or placement by examination. (3 credit hours)

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Speech Communication

SPCH 1300 - Speech Communication ACTS # SPCH 1003
This course is a study of the theory and practice of communication in interpersonal, small group and public speaking. It emphasizes proficiency in research methods, speech organization and delivery, and critical thinking/listening applications. (3 credit hours)

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THEA 2300 - Introduction to Theater ACTS # DRAM 1003
This course is an introductory survey of theater arts including history, dramatic works, stage techniques and production procedures as they relate to the fine arts, society, and the individual. Prerequisite: A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 78 or above on the ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension Placement test, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

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Career/Tech Education Courses That Can Be Taught Online


ACCT 2310 - Principles of Accounting I ACTS #ACCT 2003
This course is a study of the basic principles of accounting focusing on the accounting cycle for proprietorships and merchandising businesses. Asset valuation, income measurement, and internal controls are emphasized. This course is intended to be transferable to other institutions, but the student should discuss his or her specific plans with an academic advisor before taking it for transfer credit. Prerequisite: A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 78 or above on the ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension Placement test, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

ACCT 2330 - Principles of Accounting II ACTS #ACCT 2013
This course is a continuation of the study of accounting and focuses on the principles of accounting used with corporations. There is an emphasis on the use of accounting data for managerial decision-making. See an advisor concerning the transferability of this course. Prerequisite: ACCT 2310 with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

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BUS 1603 - Introduction to Business ACTS # BUSI 1013
This course offers a survey of the field of business administration including disciplines such as marketing, production, management, finance and information systems. Important issues such as organization, communication, regulation, and taxation are addressed. (3 credit hours)

BUS 2243 - Business Communications ACTS # BUSI 2013
This course provides a brief English review and emphasizes activities involved in the mechanics of current written and spoken business communications. Prerequisites: BUS 1153 with a grade of “C” or better or a typing test score of 25-30 wpm (take test in the Office of Testing Services) and a score of 19 or above on the English section of the ACT, or a score of 83 or above on the ACCUPLACER Sentence Skills Placement test, or a score of 80 or above on the COMPASS Writing Skills placement test, or completion of ENGL 0111 (Composition Review) with a grade of “C” or higher. (3 credit hours)

BUS 2633 - Legal Environment of Business ACTS # BLAW 2003
This course is a study of the American legal system and its impact on the business environment. Topics of study include the court system, contracts, sales, agency, negotiable instruments, and government regulations. Prerequisites: A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 78 or above on the ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension Placement test, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better, and ENGL 1311 and either BUS 1603 or BUS 2243 with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

BUS 1403 - Microcomputer Applications
This course is an introduction to business applications within a Windows environment using Microsoft’s Office suite. The course emphasizes basic applications of word processing, spreadsheets and presentation software in business settings (3 credit hours/special course fee)

BUS 1603 - Introduction to Business ACTS # BUSI 1013
This course offers a survey of the field of business administration including disciplines such as marketing, production, management, finance and information systems. Important issues such as organization, communication, regulation, and taxation are addressed. (3 credit hours)

BUS 2243 - Business Communications ACTS # BUSI 2013
This course provides a brief English review and emphasizes activities involved in the mechanics of current written and spoken business communications. Prerequisites: BUS 1153 with a grade of “C” or better or a typing test score of 25-30 wpm (take test in the Office of Testing Services) and a score of 19 or above on the English section of the ACT, or a score of 83 or above on the ACCUPLACER Sentence Skills Placement test, or a score of 80 or above on the COMPASS Writing Skills placement test, or completion of ENGL 0111 (Composition Review) with a grade of “C” or higher. (3 credit hours)

BUS 2543 - Business Organization and Management
This course focuses on the evolution of management and the different theories behind it. It examines the managerial process and explores the managerial functions of planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling and their relation to the daily job of the manager. Prerequisite: A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 78 or above on the ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension Placement test, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

BUS 2633 - Legal Environment of Business ACTS # BLAW 2003
This course is a study of the American legal system and its impact on the business environment. Topics of study include the court system, contracts, sales, agency, negotiable instruments, and government regulations. Prerequisites: A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 78 or above on the ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension Placement test, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better, and ENGL 1311 and either BUS 1603 or BUS 2243 with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

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Computer Information Systems

CIS 1103 - Computer Concepts ACTS # CPSI 1003
This is an introductory course in the use of computer application software that includes basic functions of computer system components. Topics include using the Windows operating system, using the Internet as a research tool, and the basics of the Microsoft Office suite (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint). Prerequisite: A score of 19 or above on the reading section of the ACT, or a score of 78 or above on the ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension Placement test, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS reading placement test, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours/special course fee)

CIS 1133 - Internet Technologies
This course introduces the student to three web development tools: HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. The course emphasizes the use of these tools from a web developer's viewpoint, but this is not a course in web design. (3 credit hours/special course fee)

CIS 1143 - Programming I
This course introduces the student to the development of computer applications using the Microsoft NET Framework. Students gain a working knowledge of the C# programming language. The course emphasizes the design, coding, testing and debugging of C# programs. Topics include input/output, data types, selection and repetition operations, functions and arrays. (3 credit hours/special course fee)

CIS 1183 - Introduction to Computing
This course introduces the students to the computing technologies used by information technology professionals, including working with the Windows file system, using the Internet for research, developing web pages, developing databases, working with networks, and writing basic computer programs. Prerequisites: A score of 19 or above on the reading section of the ACT, or a score of 78 or above on the ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension Placement test, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS reading placement test, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better, and a score of 19 or above on the English section of the ACT, or a score of 83 or above on the ACCUPLACER Sentence Skills Placement test, or a score of 80 or above on the COMPASS Writing Skills placement test, or completion of ENGL 0111 (Composition Review) with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours/special course fee)

CIS 2514 - Introduction to Computer Science I
An introductory course in computer science for Computer Science majors in the design of computer software systems and an introduction to programming in the environment of a contemporary operating system. Topics include data types and variables, input and output, control structures, functions, simple data structures (vectors and arrays), and an introduction to object-oriented programming. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours. (4 credit hours/special course fee)

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Culinary Arts, Baking

Various Culinary Arts courses can be offered online.

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Digital Media Production

Various Digital Media Production courses can be offered online.

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Early Childhood Development And Teacher Education

Various ECD and Teacher Education courses can be offered online (some may require additional observation time outside of class).

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ECON 2322 - Principles of Microeconomics ACTS # ECON 2203
This course presents theory and application of microeconomic behavior in regard to individuals and firms, including production, distribution, and exchange of goods and services. Prerequisite: A score of 18 or above on the Math section of the ACT, or a score of 77 or above on the ACCUPLACER Elementary Algebra Placement Test, or completion of MATH 0302 or MATH 0402 or MATH 1300 with a grade of "C" or better. (3 credit hours)

ECON 2323 - Principles of Macroeconomics ACTS # ECON 2103
This course presents theory and application of macroeconomic behavior as a whole. The course focus is on national and global economic implementation of macroeconomic theory and principles. Prerequisite: A score of 18 or above on the Math section of the ACT, or a score of 77 or above on the ACCUPLACER Elementary Algebra Placement Test, or completion of MATH 0302 or MATH 0402 or MATH 1300 with a grade of "C" or better. (3 credit hours)

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Various Entrepreneurship courses can be offered online.

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Mass Communication

Various Mass Communication courses can be offered online.

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