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Information for Students and Parents

Friday, March 14, 2025

Getting Started: Admissions and Registration

Only eligible high school juniors and seniors enrolled in an accredited public or private secondary school or home school can apply. The school must also have a partnership with the UA-PTC Career Institute. Interested students must follow these steps to enroll in Career Institute courses.


1. Apply Online - For step-by-step application instructions, visit: (DO NOT use your high school e-mail address when applying, use your personal e-mail address)
2. UA-PTC Career Institute will work with the high school counselor or college liaison to obtain transcripts and Accuplacer or ACT scores.
3. Complete the Career Institute Enrollment and Policy Form once each school year.
4-Check your e-mail often for additional information from UA-PTC such as your acceptance letter, how to set-up your student account, get your student e-mail, etc.)


If you are taking college courses on the UA-PTC regular schedule (outside of a partnership with your high school), you must follow the admissions and registration dates. After completing the admissions process, the Career Institute Director will register you for class(es) using the roster submitted by your high school counselor or college liaison.


Students taking courses through their high school should MUST reach out to their high school counselor OR Career Institute Director to drop Career Institute class(es).

Students who wish to drop their Career Institute class(es) or withdraw from all of your classes, must obtain a Drop/Withdrawal Form, from your high school counselor or Career Institute Director. Career Institute students CANNOT drop using the online process. You must drop or withdraw by specific dates each semester. These dates are listed on the UA-PTC Academic Calendar.



Follow these steps:

1. Submit an online Career Institute admissions application
(provided by your school counselor or designee)

2. Submit an online Career Institute / concurrent enrollment
and policy form (provided by school counselor or designee)

3. Submit all necessary admissions documents
(ex. official transcripts)