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Student Complaint Policy and Process

Sunday, March 02, 2025

UA-PTC Students

University of Arkansas - Pulaski Technical College takes very seriously complaints and concerns regarding the institution. Most complaints or concerns of a specific nature should be initiated and resolved at the campus level through normal college processes whenever possible. UA - Pulaski Tech receives and resolves complaints using a variety of methods. Students having complaints about specific instructors, grade disputes, or other academically related issues may utilize the academic due process appeal procedure. Students having complaints about existing account balances, administrative grade errors, parking citations, or satisfactory academic progress may utilize the various student services appeals processes.

When college processes do not offer an outlet for complaint resolution, an attempt should be made to resolve the issue with the employee(s) or department(s) involved. If the complaint is not resolved after an initial meeting with the employee(s) and/or department manager, the complainant should discuss the matter with the divisional supervisor. If, following a meeting with the divisional supervisor, a resolution is not possible; the complainant should file a formal complaint.

Informal complaints can be submitted by completing our online Report a Concern/Complaint form. Formal complaints may be filed according to the appropriate type of complaint. The UA-PTC Student Handbook outlines the typical steps to resolve student complaints.

Complaints associated with the institution’s compliance with academic program quality and accrediting standards may be directed to the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), following their complaint process.

SARA/Online Students Complaint System

After you have exhausted UA - Pulaski Tech's complaint procedures, if your complaint has not been resolved, you may file a complaint with the Arkansas Division of Higher Education (ADHE) by using the SARA complaint form or by calling the toll free number at 1 (844) 672-0620.