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Saturday, March 08, 2025
UA-PTC’s Spring Semester enrollment is up 7.2% and still growing

UA-PTC’s Spring Semester enrollment is up 7.2% and still growing

March 06, 2025

With 4,325 students, the University of Arkansas Pulaski Technical College (UA-PTC) saw a 7.2 percent increase in student headcount for the first eight-week and 16-week Spring Semesters, and is expecting to be closer to a 12 percent increase when the second eight-week Spring Semester begins on March 17.

With 4,668 students, the college saw an 11.8% increase in enrollment for the Fall 2024 semester.

“UA – Pulaski Tech’s priority is to provide relevant and flexible higher education and training for our students,” said Vice Chancellor of Enrollment Management and Student Life John Lewis. “Whether their goal is learning a high-demand skill to take into the workforce right away, ‘upskilling,’ or transferring to a four-year institution with an Associate’s degree, our students know that we are committed to their growth, prosperity, and employability.”

Historically, UA-PTC’s enrollment has been 66% female and 33% male, with an average age of 26 and enrollment in over ten credit hours (three-quarter time) per student.

Approximately one-third of UA-PTC’s students enroll to earn technical certificates and degrees designed to facilitate direct entry into the workplace in fields such as nursing and advanced manufacturing. Two-thirds enroll in Associate of Arts or Associate of Science curricula designed to satisfy requirements of the first half of a four-year degree. These students may transfer to UA Little Rock, UA Fayetteville, or many other four-year institutions in Arkansas. Specifically, UA-PTC graduates who transfer to UA Fayetteville or UA Little Rock pay the same tuition as UA-PTC, which yields substantial savings for students.

UA - Pulaski Tech’s enrollment includes students attending the college’s Main Campus in North Little Rock, Little Rock-South on Interstate 30, Aerospace Technology Center near the North Little Rock Airport, Business and Industry Center near the Little Rock Airport, online classes, and high school students taking concurrent college classes.

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