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Tuesday, February 18, 2025
HVOLT graduates recognized for job training excellence

H-VOLT graduates recognized for job training excellence

May 16, 2023

The H-VOLT Academy of the UA-PTC Business and Industry Center (BIC) held its latest graduation ceremony on Thursday, April 20 at the UA-PTC Business and Industry Center.

The H-VOLT Academy is a customized training program that equips students with the industry-specific skills for entry level employment as a lineman. Graduates receive an industry-recognized National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) credential.

"UA-PTC values the support from industry partners in providing a high-quality learning experience for the H-VOLT students that enables them to enter the workforce as well-prepared and connected individuals," said Dr. Ana Hunt, UA-PTC interim provost. "We could not provide such a valuable educational opportunity without those community connections."

Learn more about the program here:

During the ceremony Special Awards were presented to the following students:

Student Awards:

  • Perfect Attendance: Luke Potts, Lincoln Crawford, Jared Sanders, James Lumpkins, Clay Hammett, Jud Breashears, Jacob Wright
  • Safety Conscious: Clay Hammett
  • Overall Leadership: Kaleb Crouse
  • Most Improved: Luke Potts
  • Best Climber: Hayden Lumpkins
  • Instructor Choice: Lincoln Crawford

Line workers are in high demand and enjoy lucrative careers. One of UA-PTC's corporate partners, Entergy, featured Sara Russell-Lingo, a graduate from the first H-VOLT Academy cohort in THIS ARTICLE.


Back row Left to Right: Hunter Adams, Logan Gartin, Jud Breashears, Lincoln Crawford, Hayden Lumpkins, Jared Sanders, Kaleb Crouse
Front Row Left to Right: Jacob Moses, Clay Hammett, Kyle Kell, Jacob Wright, Luke Potts, DeAndre Ross, Brian Kelley (instructor), Barclay Bowden (instructor), Dr. Ana Hunt (Interim Provost)
(Not Pictured: Trevon Blant)

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