Alumni Focus: Nasundra Booth
Nasundra Booth, a recent graduate of the UA - Pulaski Tech Tractor-Trailer Logistics program, earned a high score on her CDL test.
"What I liked about the CDL program first and foremost was my awesome, patient, and supportive teacher and classmates. We’ve had our rough days, but we also had fun/goofy good days too. We just KNEW we were going to pass because we listened, we learned and we were determined. Mr. Dale was one of the best teachers I’ve ever had! And I thank God and I’m grateful I had the opportunity to be in his class. And to see such beautiful people help me to a career goal. I’m super happy and super excited and can’t wait to start my trucker life journey."
For more information about UA-PTC's Tractor and Trailer Logistics program, visit www.uaptc.edu/tractor-trailer-logistics.
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