Phi Theta Kappa Spreads Christmas Cheer at shelter
Phi Theta Kappa students (PTK) and advisors teamed up to make dog toys for the North Little Rock Animal Shelter.
Malachi Steward, PTK President, spread Christmas cheer by taking the homemade toys, dog food, and cat food to the NLR Animal Shelter. Malachi said, “It was such a thrilling and wonderful experience to be able to donate the toys and the food to the NLR Animal Shelter. After showing up, I was met with much gratitude from the workers.”
The workers stated that the donations were “right on time.” Each year the shelter makes stockings for the dogs that don’t get adopted over the holidays, and they were so happy to get the toys to be able to stuff their stockings!
Jessica Wise and Meredith Stanton, Faculty Advisors for PTK, said, “We are so proud of this dedicated group of students and their hearts for giving back to the community.”
About PTK
Phi Theta Kappa is an international honor society that promotes academic excellence. Members are eligible to compete for scholarships, to participate in regional, national, and international meetings and institutes, and to attend workshops on leadership and scholarships. Additional information about Phi Theta Kappa is available by visiting www.uaptc.edu/ptk.
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