Phi Theta Kappa student officers elected for 2022-23
UA-PTC's Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) international honor society have elected the following student officers for 2022-23:
Malachi Steward
Malachi Steward is a second-year non-traditional student seeking his Associate in Technology and Engineering from UA - Pulaski Tech. After graduation, Malachi plans to continue his education at either Southern Methodist University or Princeton University to pursue a degree in theoretical physics.
Malachi has a passion for his community as well as for his school. Since his start at UA - Pulaski Tech, he has been heavily involved in student leadership and service projects. In the Spring of 2022, he was recognized for his Research Analysis on the Conservation of Sea Turtles at the UA-PTC Milestones event. Recently, he co-presented at the Arkansas Community Conference on “Student Retention from a Student’s Perspective” to help give educators new tools on how to develop proper retention techniques based on qualitative and quantitative data.
Outside of school, Malachi continues to stay busy. He volunteers his time as a rehabber for turtles and tortoises in Arkansas. He has a passion for research and conservation of all wildlife but has always had a soft spot for turtle species of any kind. In the summer of 2023, shortly after graduation, he will be traveling to Galle, Sri Lanka to assist with the research and conservation efforts needed to help maintain the native sea turtle population.
Trevor Hunting
Vice President
Trevor Hunting is currently the Vice President of Phi Theta Kappa, Beta Zeta Omega chapter.
Trevor also serves as one of the many tutors in UA-PTC’S Learning Assistance Center, specializing in the subjects of College Physics and Algebra, as well as being an active member of the Political Science and History Club. This is his last semester at UA-PTC before transferring to a four-year university in order to pursue his dream in Aerospace. In the meantime, Trevor intends on making the most out of his remaining semester at the college.
Alona Chamblee
Public Relations Officer
Alona Chamblee is a second-year student at UA-PTC. After being employed as a legal secretary for the past nine years, she decided to change career paths. Alona is currently working on her Associates in Liberal Arts and Sciences.
After completion, Alona plans to transfer to UAMS to complete her Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Alona wants to continue her education and one day become a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner.
Alona is passionate about serving her community and has never met a person who is not a friend. Alona has been a resident of Central Arkansas all her life. In her free time, Alona enjoys baking with her daughter, reading, and playing board games with friends.
Nyokia Fesouras-Bolden
Nyokia Flesouras-Bolden is the PTK chapter Secretary. Nyokia is currently working to obtain an Associate’s degree in Business Office Technology. Since enrolling, she made the Chancellor’s List, became a Student Ambassador for Student Services, was nominated for the UA LR TRIO Hall of Fame, and was selected for the work-study position in Admissions.
Upon graduating from UA-PTC, Nyokia plans to transfer to a four-year university to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration.
Communication, organization, and versatility are only a few of her greatest strengths. Nyokia plans to dedicate her service life to survivors of human trafficking. Individuals forced into involuntary solitude hold a special place in her heart. In her downtime, she enjoys hiking at Arkansas’ Natural State Parks, spending time with her son, and taking her dog, Bully, for walks.
During Nyokia’s time at UA-PTC, she plans to cultivate meaningful relationships with her peers, mentors, and instructors. Wanting to strengthen her leadership skills led her to join PTK and several other student organizations. Nyokia believes that anything is achievable for anyone willing to remain dedicated.
Phi Theta Kappa is an international honor society that promotes academic excellence. Members are eligible to compete for scholarships, to participate in regional, national, and international meetings and institutes, and to attend workshops on leadership and scholarships. Additional information about Phi Theta Kappa is available by visiting www.uaptc.edu/ptk.
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