Chef Jan Lewandowski named Director of CAHMI
Chef Jan Lewandowski was selected as the new Director of the UA - Pulaski Tech Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management Institute (CAHMI). She began her new role July 16.
Chef Lewandowski began her teaching career in 2006, first as an adjunct instructor with the Arkansas Culinary School and then as full-time baking instructor at UA-PTC since 2012. She received her training and culinary arts degree from the Scottsdale Culinary Institute in Scottsdale, Arizona and is certified as an Executive Pastry Chef with the American Culinary Federation (ACF).
“My work at UA-PTC over the years has provided me with many avenues for growth, both as an educator and pastry chef,” Lewandowski said. “I'm thankful for this new opportunity to serve CAHMI and to continue our mission to deliver high-quality culinary education for our students and community.”
Jan and her husband Steve also own and operate the Blue Cake Company, a custom cake shop and bakery in Little Rock.
“I’m delighted to have Chef Jan in this role as Director. She has the skills and experience to successfully lead CAHMI. Besides her exceptional administrative and supervisory skills, she is competing in August at the American Culinary Federation National Convention for Pastry Chef of the Year! This is her second time being selected to participate in this national competition. All our best to Chef Jan in her endeavors!” Renee J. Smith, Associate Dean.
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