Global Coverage for UA-PTC's Virtual Reality
June 04, 2018
Kudos to college webmaster Lennon Parker, who brought a global spotlight on UA - Pulaski Tech. The company the college uses for virtual reality services, InstaVR, whose one of the top leading companies in the world for virtual reality technology, has a great feature on the college and Lennon's work using their technology to develop a virtual UA-PTC campus front and center on their website. See article HERE.
On Tuesday, June 12 at 2 p.m. Lennon will be co-hosting a webinar with InstaVR, "Creating a Virtual Reality Presence for Higher Education" to target colleges world-wide. No RSVP is required. To attend, click HERE.
UA-PTC's virtual campus has been ranked with the Library of Congress, UCLA and Georgetown University for most immersive VR campaigns in the US.
On Tuesday, June 12 at 2 p.m. Lennon will be co-hosting a webinar with InstaVR, "Creating a Virtual Reality Presence for Higher Education" to target colleges world-wide. No RSVP is required. To attend, click HERE.
UA-PTC's virtual campus has been ranked with the Library of Congress, UCLA and Georgetown University for most immersive VR campaigns in the US.
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