Each semester, Career Services hosts career events connecting talented UA-PTC students and alumni with leading employers. Explore diverse career paths and exciting opportunities across various industries, from established local businesses to global corporations. Network with industry professionals, expand your professional network, grow your skills and presentations, and take the first step towards securing your dream internship or first job.
Spring Career Services Ask Me Anything (AMA) Virtual Session
Have a career question you just can't find an answer to? Pop into a Career Services AMA Session and ask away! If our staff doesn't have the answer, they will find the answer for you! Drop in when you can during the hours below!
EQ Bootcamp: Self-Awareness (Virtual)
This workshop explores the core components of emotional intelligence (EQ) and how understanding your own emotions, strengths, and weaknesses can lead to greater personal and professional success.
EQ Bootcamp: Self-Management (Virtual)
This workshop explores the key components of self-management within emotional intelligence (EQ) and provides practical strategies for controlling impulses, managing stress, and adapting to change.
EQ Bootcamp: Social Awareness (Virtual)
This workshop explores the core components of social awareness within emotional intelligence (EQ), focusing on empathy, organizational awareness, and service orientation.
EQ Bootcamp: Relationship Management (Virtual)
This workshop explores key aspects of relationship management within emotional intelligence (EQ), focusing on communication, teamwork, conflict resolution, and inspiring others.
Connect & Protect Your Professional Online Presence
Join the Office of Career Services as they share strategies on how to network effectively across social media while safeguarding your online reputation.
Pitch Perfect Networking
Join the Office of Career Services as they share the essentials of effective networking and crafting a concise, impactful elevator pitch in just one hour.
Build Your Career Fair Playbook
Join the Office of Career Services as they share ways to develop your own personalized "playbook" for success, covering essential etiquette and effective follow-up techniques to impress potential employers.
April 2 – Little Rock-South Career/Job Fair
(open to students, alumni, public and employers)
April 9 – Main Campus Career/Job Fair
(open to students, alumni, public and employers)
April 17 – Nursing Career Expo
(open to students, alumni, and employers)
Contact Career Services at [email protected] to connect with students in the following programs: Allied Health, Aviation, Cosmetology, Culinary Arts & Hospitality, and High Voltage Lineman