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Academic All-Star Application

Sunday, March 30, 2025


Dear Academic All-Star Candidate:

Thank you for your interest in the Arkansas Community Colleges’ Academic All-Star Program. The Academic All-Star Scholarship is intended to recognize great students who have achieved outstanding academic performance, and who have demonstrated superior service to UA - Pulaski Technical College and the community.

Eligibility requirements:

  • Arkansas resident
  • Enrolled at UA-PTC and expected to continue enrollment through at least Spring 2026
  • Complete a minimum of 30 credit hours by May 16, 2025, in pursuit of an associate degree
  • Cumulative grade point average of 3.25
  • Demonstrated involvement in campus and community activities
  • Intent to graduate from UA-PTC with an associate degree by Summer 2026
  • Intent to transfer to an Arkansas four-year university upon associate degree completion
  • Attendance at ACC (Arkansas Community Colleges) Annual Conference (October), ACC Leadership Conference (Spring 2026), and UA-PTC Graduation (May 2026).

The recipient of the Academic All-Star Scholarship will receive a $1500 scholarship for up to two semesters at UA-Pulaski Technical College. This scholarship may only be used for tuition for the Fall 2025 term and Spring 2026 term. The scholarship will be contingent upon the student’s maintenance of a 3.25 cumulative grade point average and completion of at least 12 credit hours per semester. The scholarship may not be used for the summer term.

Several four-year institutions have previously offered transfer scholarships to all Academic All-Star recipients during the annual conference. This may turn into a wonderful opportunity to receive an additional scholarship to complete a baccalaureate degree.

The Academic All-Star Selection Committee will choose one outstanding student to receive the Academic All-Star Scholarship from all qualifying applicants who apply by Friday, April 18, 2025. If you are chosen as a finalist, you will be called to schedule an interview, and the interviews will take place in May 2025. Please COMPLETE and SUBMIT this online application to be a candidate for the next Academic All-Star. Incomplete application submissions will not be accepted. A complete submission will consist of completing the application questionnaire below with uploading a typed essay, two letters of recommendation, and a class schedule for Fall 2025.

Thank you for your interest in the Academic All-Star Program and good luck!


(Please type your name as you would like it to appear in the conference program.)

(You may indicate more than one.)

*Are you currently receiving any institutional scholarships?
*After graduating from UA-PTC, do you plan to attend an Arkansas four-year institution?

I understand that typing my full name in this box constitutes a legal signature. I hereby authorize the Arkansas Community Colleges Academic All-Star Program to use the above information in any media release associated with the program.


1. Complete an essay outlining the best advice you have for a student attending UA - Pulaski Technical College for the first time. Essay must be 500 words or fewer, double-spaced and 12-point font. Upload the essay below.

2. Select two (2) people (current or past supervisor, instructor, community leader, etc…) to write letters of recommendation on your behalf. At least one of the recommendations letters must be from a UA-PTC employee. Upload the recommendation letters below.

3. Upload a copy of your class schedule for Fall 2025 below.


Upload: 1 essay, 2 letters of recommendation, and a copy of your Fall 2025 class schedule

Add another