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Chat and Chew Virtual Book Club

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Chat and Chew Virtual Book Club

Join the UA - Pulaski Tech community for a virtual book club to connect with students, faculty, staff and alumni as we engage with texts that elevate voices, share experiences, and indulge together in lifelong learning. Participation is free!

The next Chat & Chew virtual discussion will take place in Fall 2024 through Microsoft Teams. The featured book and meeting date will be announced at the beginning of the semester on this page.

Information for downloading and using Microsoft Teams is available at


1. How often will books be read, what is the time commitment and what are the expectations?

A new book will be announced at the beginning of the semester with a virtual discussion taking place later in the semester. The book chosen will not be more than 350 pages and readers will have plenty of time to finish the book before the discussion takes place.

2. Will there be any in-person meetings of the book club?

No, the book club will be entirely online. You can participate anywhere you have Internet access and on days and times that are convenient to you.

3. Is there any cost to participate?

Participation is free for all students, faculty, staff and alumni.

4. How do I get the books?

A limited amount of books are available for loan at the Main Campus and Little Rock-South libraries. Additionally, books are available for purchase with a 15% UA-PTC discount at Pyramid Books in Little Rock. Participants can also check out books for free at their local library or purchase digital or audio versions online.

5. How do book club discussions work?

The book club selection for the semester will be announced in plenty of time to find and read the book. Book selections and meeting date will be shared via the college website, newsletters, and on social media. The club meets online through Microsoft Teams. A moderator will pose questions and facilitate the conversation. Additionally, a forum in Microsoft Teams will be provided to allow book club members to post and share relevant articles and discussion topics from the book. This format allows for ongoing conversation and makes it easy for readers to connect with each other through the forum.

6. What if my question isn't answered?

Feel free to contact Carita Alexander at (501) 812-2811 or e-mail [email protected].

The "Chat & Chew" book club is organized by the UA-PTC Cultural Diversity and Community Involvement Committee. For more information, contact Carita Alexander at (501) 812-2811 or e-mail [email protected].