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Friday, February 21, 2025

Welcome to IMPACT, University of Arkansas Pulaski Technical College's bi-annual digital magazine. IMPACT provides news and information about the positive impact UA-PTC is making in the community. The creation of IMPACT is one of many ways that UA - Pulaski Tech leadership is connecting with business leaders, public officials, UA-PTC students, alumni, donors, and employees, and other friends of the college in the community.

FALL 2024

Click the cover below to view the digital magazine.

Front cover of UA-PTC's digital magazine IMPACT
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Economic Impact Study

Economic Impact Study

UA - Pulaski Tech: A powerful economic engine for Central Arkansas

2+2 Means 4 Years for Less

2+2 Means 4 Years for Less

Cost Saving Tuition-rate Transfer Propels UA-PTC Graduate to Fayetteville and Beyond.

Kubota Tech Training

Kubota Tech Training

UA - Pulaski Tech partners with Kubota to Launch Workforce Development Initiative.


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UA-PTC graduate on stage smiling and waiving at the crowd

Your end-of-year gift can change the lives of students at UA - Pulaski Tech

As you consider your end-of-year giving, remember that you can easily establish a one-time or endowed scholarship at UA - Pulaski Technical College in honor or in memory of a loved one.

UA - Pulaski Technical College Foundation awards close to $100,000 each semester through private scholarships funded by community members, organizations and companies.

It costs a little more than $6,000 for a student to complete 30 hours of college courses at UA-PTC. More than half of our 4,700 students rely on Pell grants to attend college and benefit greatly from scholarship opportunities.

“Your gift of $1,000 or $2,500 or even an endowed scholarship beginning at $15,000 can truly make the difference for a student to stay in college and earn his or her degree,” Melissa Hendricks, Vice Chancellor of Advancement, said.

All gifts to the UA-PTC Foundation are tax-deductible. IRA owners who are age 70 ½ may realize additional tax benefits if they transfer funds from their IRA to UA - Pulaski Tech Foundation and other charities. These transfers, called qualified charitable distributions, are a great way to easily give to a meaningful cause before the end of the year.

To find out more, go to, call Melissa Hendricks at (501) 812-2211 or e-mail [email protected].