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Thursday, December 19, 2024
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  • Lennon Parker

  • Title: Webmaster / Public Information Specialist
  • Department: Information Technology Services
  • Office: A Building, IT Services Suite
  • Academic Bio:

    As UA - Pulaski Tech's Webmaster and Public Information Specialist, Lennon's responsibilities are managing the public website, content in the campus portal, mobile app, and digital signage (campus TV screens). Prior to joining UA-PTC, he has worked professionally in web development since the late 1990's managing and developing websites for celebrities, companies, and organizations. He is also a proud alumnus of UA-PTC where he earned a degree in computer science. Since being in this position, he has received multiple national awards from the National Council for Marketing and Public Relations for his work on the public website.

    Lennon has presented on internet safety as the keynote speaker at Convocation's for SAU Tech in Camden, and SEARK in Pine Bluff. He has also served as a board member for The North Little Rock Chamber of Commerce’s Next Generation of Young Professionals. In this role, he served as the co-chair and public relations director.

    In 2005, Lennon saw the need for staff to have a voice on campus and established UA-PTC's Staff Senate where he served as President and was re-elected the following year. In 2007, he was the recipient of UA-PTC's Outstanding Employee Award for Service Excellence and was also UA-PTC's recipient for Arkansas Community Colleges Outstanding Staff Award.

    In 2018, Lennon received global recognition for his work in virtual reality technology which led UA-PTC to be ranked for having one of the top VR tours in the United States. After this success in VR, he developed a virtual classroom to help students with phobias when speaking in front of a classroom. In a trial run after being developped, students who failed speech in the previous semester were passing the following semester after using this new technology. Since launching the virtual classroom, he has co-hosted global webinars with VR companies about using virtual reality technology in higher education and has consulted other schools about using VR for educational purposes. Later this same year, he was selected as the recipient for UA-PTC's Outstanding Alumnus.

    In 2019, Lennon was the recipient of the Outstanding Employee Award for Service Excellence becoming the first employee at UA-PTC to receive the award twice since being offered in 1997. A few months later, he was awarded the Outstanding Achievement Award from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for his work in the community.

    Lennon continues to stay up to date in the latest trends in web development and is always happy to assist students and employees when needing assistance.

  • Certifications and Badges:
    ACUE Fostering a Culture of Belonging - Individuals who earn this certificate have demonstrated knowledge and skill in implementing inclusive practices that promote a sense of belonging. FEMA Certified Community/Campus Emergency Response Team (CERT) Responder - CERT is led at UA-PTC by a group of certified faculty and staff who have been professionally trained on how to assist victims in a disaster, an incident or an emergency on campus.
  • - [email protected]
  • - 501-812-2730