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Faculty and Staff Directory

Wednesday, March 26, 2025
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  • Dr. Kami Hicks

  • Title: Assistant Teaching Professor of Education
  • Department: Education and Reading
  • Office: B Building, Room 103A
  • Education: J.D. UALR Bowen School of Law; M.S.E. Harding University; B.A. Harding University
  • Academic Bio: Mrs. Hicks has been a full-time member of the Education Faculty since 2014. She received a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Child Development and a Master of Science in Education (MSE) in Child Development from Harding University. She also has a Juris Doctor (JD) from the UA-Bowen Law School. Mrs. Hicks teaches Child Growth and Development, Environments for Young Children, Math and Science in Early Childhood, Special Needs, Advanced Field Experience and Practicum. She also serves as the Field Supervisor for education students completing their field experience hours.
  • Certifications and Badges:
    Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) - ACUE prepares, credentials, and supports faculty to teach with research-based best practices that improve student achievement and close equity gaps.
  • - [email protected]
  • - 501-812-6047