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Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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  • Dr. Bonnie Faupel

  • Title: Administrative Specialist II
  • Department: Provost Office
  • Education: E.D.D. University of Arkansas; M.E.D. University of Arkansas - Fayetteville; B.S.E. University of Arkansas at Little Rock; A.S. University of Arkansas at Little Rock
  • Academic Bio:

    Dr. Bonnie Faupel serves as the administrative assistant to the Office of the Provost. Additionally, she has served as administrative assistant at the University of Arkansas Pulaski Technical College to the director of Nursing and Allied Health, Admissions and Records, and to the director of Information Technology.

    Dr. Faupel has been an adjunct instructor for the Business and Technology division teaching Computer Fundamentals, QuickBooks, Keyboarding I and II, and Accounting Fundamentals.

    Dr. Faupel started her teaching career at Pulaski Vocational Technical School, prior to the merger with the University of Arkansas system, as a full-time business instructor while completing her Master of Education and Educational Specialist degrees. She then pursued her EdD at the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville while working as a graduate assistant at the Graduate Education college as well as a curriculum writer in the department of Adult and Vocational Education and published state curriculum guides in Gerontology, Medical-Surgical Nursing, and Nursing Patient Care for the Arkansas Curriculum Consortium housed at the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville.

    Upon completion of the EdD in Vocational Education, Dr. Faupel became an instructor of business at Foothills Vocational Technical school, which later merged with Arkansas State University at Beebe and continued as an assistant professor in the business department at ASU-Searcy in charge of the technical certificate in Office Occupations, teaching Computer Applications, Keyboarding, Office Procedures, Business English, Fundamentals of Accounting, Excel, and the office Internship program. She also maintained an advisory committee with local businesses for the Office Occupations Technical Certificate.

    During Dr. Faupel’s time at ASU-Searcy, she was advisor for Phi Beta Lambda for ASU-Searcy and Beebe campuses. She presented at ACC (Arkansas Community College Association) on the internship program at ASU-Searcy. She received Outstanding Teacher award by her students at ASU-Searcy. She served on various committees at ASU-Beebe including Tenure and Promotion, College Syllabi Reorganization, Faculty Senate, Academic Hearing, Special Events, and North-Central Criterion 2. While at ASU-Searcy Dr. Faupel was involved in the Searcy Business Expo and gave several local radio spots on the Office Occupations program she taught and was filmed in the classroom for a television commercial for ASU- Searcy.

    Dr. Faupel also possesses various office experience at the Little Rock Country Club, UA Little Rock, Nursing Department, and a private psychologist’s office in North Little Rock.

    Professional memberships have included Arkansas Community Colleges, National, Southern, and Arkansas Business Education Associations, and Delta-Phi Epsilon, ASU-Jonesboro chapter.

    Currently Dr. Faupel has been serving as Recorder on the shared governance Computer Technology Committee.

  • - [email protected]
  • - 501-812-2799