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Wednesday, March 26, 2025
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  • Dr. Ana Hunt

  • Title: Provost and Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs
  • Department: Provost Office
  • Office: Campus Center Building, Room 301
  • Education: Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Capella University; Master of Science (M.S.), Arkansas Tech University; Bachelor of Science (B.S.), University of Arkansas at Monticello
  • Academic Bio:

    Dr. Ana Hunt was selected as Provost at University of Arkansas Pulaski Technical College on June 15, 2023.

    As chief academic officer, she provides executive leadership over all academic areas as well as academic support.

    Dr. Hunt joined UA - Pulaski Tech as Registrar in 2019. She as Interim Provost and also as Interim Chancellor during the national search that followed the retirement of former Chancellor Margaret Ellibee.

    Prior to joining UA-PTC, Dr. Hunt served as Registrar at National Park College in Hot Springs for three years and as Registrar and Enrollment Coordinator at Baptist Health College in Little Rock 2012-2016.

    She received her Doctor of Education (Ed.D) in Educational Leadership and Management from Capella University in 2020. She also has a Master of Science in College Student Personnel from Arkansas Tech University and a Bachelor of Science from University of Arkansas at Monticello.

  • Certifications and Badges:
    ACUE Fostering a Culture of Belonging - Individuals who earn this certificate have demonstrated knowledge and skill in implementing inclusive practices that promote a sense of belonging.
  • - [email protected]
  • - 501-812-2303