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FAFSA Fridays

Monday, March 10, 2025

FAFSA Fridays has ended. For information about the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), see the following:

How to Apply for Financial Aid

1. Complete your Federal Aid Application (FAFSA). For assistance, we encourage you to watch our how to videos for a better understanding of the financial aid process.

  • When applying, you will be asked to provide your income information. We strongly encourage you to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool option to upload your tax information. This will be a faster process for you, and lessen the amount of paperwork you may have to submit in the future.
  • UA - Pulaski Tech’s school code is 014167

2. After applying for for Federal Aid, check your student e-mail account 3-5 days after for instructions on how to access the UA-PTC Financial Aid Portal.

After accessing the UA-PTC Financial Aid Portal:

  • Review the Documents tab and complete/submit any required documents.
  • Monitor your student e-mail account for an award notice and complete your online award letter through the financial aid portal.

Make sure you have completed your (1) Entrance Counseling and (2) Master Promissory Note at in order for your Subsidized/Unsubsidized Loan to pay.